American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

Well my boys are doing a little push and shoving in the pool. also the older male is breeding the young female the young male is not happy about it. the other day i saw the older one onto of the young girl and the young male trying to mount the male it was funny but i was afraid they were going to hurt her. well today my young male was fine a little while ago i go out and he is lame , i can,t see any thing i think he wrenched it most likely in the pool. i fine that geese are a bit spastic. he also picked out the house he wants for his mate. i don,t think she knows that.i just hope i don,t have to separate them . i have 2 pair do i have to have 3 houses for them i know some birds are like that you need a selection for them. so far the older couple hasn't gone house hunting yet.i am chomping at the bit for spring i have a garden all planed out i am growing corn for the geese and lettuce. can,t wait.
I hope your boy will be okay. So far no pushing and shoving yet. But I had to take their pool away because of the temps. Mine daily go into every house on the property check out all the stalls mainly the 2 girls the boys just tag along behind them. I did put up a little barrier inside their house hoping they will lay in there so my chickens and ducks will be able to use their own houses to lay in. Those ganders won't want any one going in if they choose another house beside their own. I know for a fact my oldest Gander will think he is suppose to mate both females. It will be interesting to see how that pans out. Last year both my girls laid in their own house I only needed the one.
Well he seems to be better today and i saw the older male defiantly was breeding the young female.The older male is getting more aggressive he went after my sheltie waited till the dog turn his back and jumped on the dog grabbing his hair and road him poor bobbie the dog . luckly no one got hurt i have to be more careful .I am down sizing on the ducks, I am giving my older flock away so i will have more room for the geese.i am just keeping 2 ancona a drake and hen an the little duclair who is laying right now.
Well he seems to be better today and i saw the older male defiantly was breeding the young female.The older male is getting more aggressive he went after my sheltie waited till the dog turn his back and jumped on the dog grabbing his hair and road him poor bobbie the dog . luckly no one got hurt i have to be more careful .I am down sizing on the ducks, I am giving my older flock away so i will have more room for the geese.i am just keeping 2 ancona a drake and hen an the little duclair who is laying right now.
I'd love to have more geese but I can't part with my ducks and they would probably leave home on their own if anymore geese showed up. I would love to see your duclair.

Glad to hear he is doing better today.. I think the older ganders just think every female belong to them and the younger have to just wait in line.
It was 10 days earlier than last year.

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And she is a year older us ladies do slow down a bit as we age. lol Congrats on the egg.
well my older gander is breeding both girls no eggs yet. I feel bad for my young gander he is like a outsider. he stands by the dog house he has picked out and his girl has no interest. it makes me laugh. I guess it will work out eventually. I really don't want eggs until the weather is has been so snowy and rainy I hate it.
well my older gander is breeding both girls no eggs yet. I feel bad for my young gander he is like a outsider. he stands by the dog house he has picked out and his girl has no interest. it makes me laugh. I guess it will work out eventually. I really don't want eggs until the weather is has been so snowy and rainy I hate it.
@donkeydew2farms My older gander is breeding both of my females too. My young gander has taken a back seat. But so far is still part of the family.

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