American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

Miss Lydia I don't think I have to worry this year the young male respects the older one but next year it might be different. the big male struts around with his girls in tow nose in the air. An he makes me laugh . I make sure the little male gets extra treats he is my little piggy. Got to love them.
Miss Lydia I don't think I have to worry this year the young male respects the older one but next year it might be different. the big male struts around with his girls in tow nose in the air. An he makes me laugh . I make sure the little male gets extra treats he is my little piggy. Got to love them.
Hi I am hoping for the same here. My gander is doing the same strutting around always ready to bite me if I get close. My younger gander who will be 2 end of May still hangs on every honk his dad makes. It's so sweet.
Here's mine her name is Toots but I call her Miss Nosy she is very nosy

Flockman what kind of incubator are you using? I was thinking of putting some up but all I have right now is a mini brinsea holds 7 eggs that is chicken and duck eggs I am not sure if it is big enough for geese. I was looking at the octagon one. Oh Miss lydia love your toots she is a pretty gal.

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