American Buff Geese for sale.


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Gilroy, CA
14 American Buff geese, good layers, considered the gentlest breed, although they hiss a fair amount I've never been bitten (although if you're not a decent "goose whisperer", any geese even the most gentle could become a problem) the flock is about 50/50 geese and ganders I think, I prefer to keep the flock together but am realistic, I'm pricing them at $30 a bird.

I can't ship, or deliver really, you'll have to come to Gilroy here to buy them. Photos on request, ask me at alexbanjocarter at gmail dot com.

Thanks for looking!
I have been LOOKing to purchase this breed, but alas am on the wrong coast!

If anyone is in the Upstate NY area and knows where I can get this breed please let me know.
Holderread's isn't that far from me, but they can ship eggs and goslings I *think*, and they sell this breed.
would you be willing to sell some eggs for hatching?? i have a freind in ga who is looking for this breed.. pm me at let me know thanks

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