American Onagadori?

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Hes not advertising them as the Japanese breed.
He is advertising them as HIS American Version of the Japanese Breed. Whether you consider his birds "project" or not is up to you.

Do you understand what I am trying to explain?
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Yes, I understand what you are trying to say, but they aren't Onags. Call them long-tails, call them whatever else you want, but putting the Onagadori tag on them is mis-leading and mis-represents what they actually are.
I do understand it, but it's extremely misleading. Reason being, an Onagadori is a bird is non-molting for at least three years. Either a bird is an Onagadori or it isn't. The Onagadori is the only bird in the world with that precise genetic arrangement. That is the only thing that sets it apart. Without it, it ceases to be that breed, in any form.

If I am understanding this right, they are descendents of Onags, so why couldnt you call them AMERICAN onags.
After all, that IS what they are..

I understand if he were to call them Onags that there may be a problem, but he isnt...
They're American heterozygous long-tails of varying phenotype; not Onagadori, of any kind. Mix blue and yellow paint, it makes something new. It's not revised blue or advanced yellow. It's something different, green.


I understand where you are coming from. But you must know one thing, I talked to My. Cy Hyde for hours and hours before I consider to call mines "American Onagadori". He calls his the "U.S Onagadori". Here is our basis of the argument to why we call our birds what they are...

An example: You bought a Camaro and after two years, the engine burned out so you had to replace it with a new engine. Because the car's model is no longer avail. in America, you had to use a Mustang's engine. Because of that, you just ignor that the car is a Camaro and just call it a Mustang?

Same thing goes for Mr. Hydes line. Just because he had males and needed other longtails to breed in and then repool afterwards made his birds no more than a Phoenix? That is WAY unrepresenting his bird and he does not agree to that and neither will I. I agree that later on when I am able to get my own line, I will call mines American Longtails or simular things but as for now, I can't just switch the name around and make it my line when I am still working on his breeders.

To be quite honest, if I really have the intention to make a business out of these birds, I would have collected the best lines from every breeder and sell them for $100 or so each, not just $25 for 1-2 month old chicks! I wouldn't have to wait money AND time to breed and find what I like to call my own...

So in conclusion, I hope you take a minute to try to understand. Thank You!

- Tommy
Technically you could be considered a German American. (Kind of like an AMERICAN Onagadori)

I certainly agree. I am 100% Vietnamese, yet I am a U.S. Citizen, so I am now considered Vietnamese American. I am homozygous for my trait, which is Viet right? My mom is Viet and so is my father. So why would it be wrong to call it American Onagadori when I can be considered Vietnamese American?

- Tommy
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