American serama thread!

Pinx, your seramas are very pretty! Love 'em!

BantyChickenLuv, I love your hen's color! My fave!
Thank you, she was given to me
She's still really young so I'm waiting for her to fill out some more.
Quote: Thank you. I am aware of what a frizzle to frizzle mating will result in. I took that picture the day I bought the pair and they have been split up and put with smooth Serama mates. The white frizzle roo is in with the pullet in the back of picture #4 and the black frizzle hen is in with the boy in the last pic. I had them in the pen together to let them get adjusted to the new place together instead of throwing it all at them at once.
Thank you. I am aware of what a frizzle to frizzle mating will result in. I took that picture the day I bought the pair and they have been split up and put with smooth Serama mates. The white frizzle roo is in with the pullet in the back of picture #4 and the black frizzle hen is in with the boy in the last pic. I had them in the pen together to let them get adjusted to the new place together instead of throwing it all at them at once.
That's good, I was a tad bit worried there. Don't you just love Frizzles? My Cochin Frizzle is super sweet and now I'm in love with Frizzles. I ordered some Polish Frizzles and more Cochin Frizzles.
My first frizzle was a Cochin. He is a character. Now I have a few Cochin/silkie frizzles from him. I just love how the look lol, cracks me up everytime I see one of them run across the yard like they are on a mission.
It's funny watching mine preen herself, she has trouble finding her oil gland and then when she "fluffs up" it doesn't even look like she is.
That all sounds so cute! I'm hoping I'll be hatching a frizzle

Oh goodness, I just put my eggs on lockdown, not quite day 18, and I was checking them, seeing if I could see movement and confirmation that they're ok, and I picked one up, and it had internally pipped! I got so excited and freaked, I stuck them all in quickly and upped the humidity! Now I don't even remember which one that was! LOL. I hope they're going to be ok!
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Well the last time I posted to this forum I was on the hunt for a rooster. I was finally able to get one a little under three weeks ago
! Although he is a talkative little guy with all of his purrs, chirps, and whistles I LOVE him! My three year old little boy named him Cow. I think he is going to grow into a beautiful little bird and am excited to hear what you all think of him!

he was hatched on July 20. the first picture is a little under three weeks ago when I brought him home. The second picture is from today. He has just started trying to crow.

This is the hen I am hoping to mate him to once hes old enough. She is my sons best buddy and her name is Biscuit. She was hatched on May 16 and is laying. (these pictures of her are older and she had filled out quite a bit more since they were taken)
thanks in advance for your opinions and critiques.

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