American serama thread!

Belle gave me my very first serama egg today! I'm assuming it's fertilized - Taco has been taking care of business every morning. She's not sitting on it, so I'm not quite sure what to do with it haha

This is a weird angle on their cage - the box looks super tiny but I swear she fits in it great, cozies up right inside and peers out at me with her little death stare.

I was wondering, does anyone just leave them out of their cage all the time? Right now I open the door when I get home and they like to sit in the opening or on top of the cage, and bring them out to watch TV with me in the evenings. I was thinking about just leaving diapers on them and letting them roam free in my room when I'm at school - just my room, don't want to risk the little house dog thinking those tiny chickens look tasty when no one is around.
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This thing is small enough that you don't have to worry too much about opening the lid, it gets back up to temperature and humidity really fast. Still, if I have to open it up during lockdown, or if I can't keep humidity up as high as I want it, I spray water with a sprayer before closing. (not on the eggs, usually on the lid from afar-ish and let the mist settle downwards)

Also, this is the thermostat you need:
This was awesome! I would love to make one of my own, I'm fairly handy, but I'm still a little confused. How does the thermostat work?

Also, would it be possible to make smaller? Like for serama eggs? Or does the size really not matter?
Yes, they're already looking better. I'll try some portraits tomorrow :lol:
Dunno, kukupecpec, maybe you can make them a safe little run outside. I'm sure they'd love that?

I can't wait to see them. I'm chick-less now sadly, but I have 6 Heritage RIR's coming from Duane Urch in January and I'm super excited.
Ken, beautiful boy! Very extreme I'm sure you are proud of him! Looking forward to seeing those 2013 chicks.
Thank you , Kate as I have been working with type over everything else and at the End we are getting Extreme style and type out of birds that we bred and breeding from our own bloodline ...
Will share more as the chicks get older ...
How long does everyone leave heat lamps on for their serama chicks inside? With most chicks, even banties that I've raised I've had their heat lamp off by a week old if they are in brooders inside. My serama's are from 1 week to 6 weeks old and still spend most all their time underneath the light (100 watt, shining onto a brick that holds the heat and the area under the light is about 100 degrees). I figure they are little enough they will need it awhile yet, but since even the 6 week old seems to enjoy basking under it should I just plan on keeping it on awhile lol? Do they need heat longer than others due to their small size?
And, since I am posting anyway I have to show off one of my little cuties.
My first little frizzle serama.

? On my last hatch I had a frizzle egg hatch. The breeder only included 1 egg with her shipment which was one more that I was expecting. I had 4 hatch out at aboutt the same time and I am not for sure which hatched from the Frizzle egg. I think I have 4 boys and 3 girls. How old until I can tell if it's a frizzle or not?
Cluck-Cluck--what a really cool incubator! I am totally not handy, but would love one like that.
Congrats on the little ones guys!

I stopped in to catch up. Have not been online all summer.
I finally bought my farm and huge house and now I have to work every day to pay it off which does not
leave time to play much. lol--I hope to have it all paid off in 10ish years though! :)

I have been getting to talk about Seramas finally over on Facebook since we have posted some of our breeder
hens, pullets and cockerels for sale--but I miss BYC. The community over here has always been very fun and friendly.
Im going to go hunt up more Serama threads and see if I can help anyone answer some questions, lol

Hope everyone is ready for winter!!

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