American serama thread!

Well it is official! I have a Christmas miracle! I have my first Serama chickie ever. I give you the first pix of Miracle!
So cute, was gonna say marbles too
I hope you have more eggs in the bator?
congrats alexandraintn thats the best christmas present ever.
Cluck-cluck the pictures never came up for me either so i think they are just not there. also for everyone i have a question what is the differnts between malayisan seramas and American seramas? thanks still learning
Aw, oh well, gotta try to understand then...?
Thanks I just put it in there and snapped the pic. I boiled some marbles and put them in there. Rudolph dropped in to snuggle with miracle.see?
Hee hee hee, that's a cute Rudolph
Merry Christmas

That's so seriously cute, I think you could sell that picture! Come to think of it, enter it in the cutest chick competition!
I have a question for you serama breeders. Since it seems that only the females have that ugly, "wild-type" plumage, while the males get the solid color feathers, would it then be reasonable to assume that when the wild-type, multi-colored feathers come in, the chick is female? Or do all serama chicks start out with the multi-colored chick feathering for nature's sake, just like fawns (baby deer, not color) have spots when they are born to keep hidden?
Wadaya mean? Actually, I really don't understand? Do you have pictures?
Okay, I need help here. I have this color Serama roo. When I Google Wheaten Serama I find a lot of pictures of this color. So, I've been saying that mine is Wheaten, but he looks like the Brown/Red you posted here. Do you know the difference, or am I looking at the wrong pictures on Google, or are they the same color? I truly have no clue.

This is NOT a good pic of Fred, he normally has a much prouder posture.
You can tell, his back is nice and short and his tail is long. That it's held so high when balancing on a thin board, yah, he looks good! Yah, he's wheaten, I would think that the title there is only to say it's not black and red? Because the photo looks a bit like that? I'm wondering if my boy will look like him when he grows up? Do they get their saddle feathers in later? Right now, he's all black except his hackle feathers are like yours. I'm thinking he might get more color in the saddle later, is that what happened to yours?
Happy Holidays to everyone! I wanted to get some updated photos of my latest bunch tonight, but I'm going to have to wait till I have more natural light. I did manage to get a really pretty one of one of my (two) frizzled babies. This is Selene... the younguns are 2 1/2 weeks old now...they grow up so fast!!!

Happy Holidays to everyone! I wanted to get some updated photos of my latest bunch tonight, but I'm going to have to wait till I have more natural light. I did manage to get a really pretty one of one of my (two) frizzled babies. This is Selene... the younguns are 2 1/2 weeks old now...they grow up so fast!!!

Ohhhhh. How pretty.
Oh she's so pretty! I'm really hoping to get a Frizzle
I know I'm constantly saying that, LOL, but oh well, I like to whine, LOL

I did start my Serama "training" today per that link you gave me, Easter eggers. Just had them stand on an upside down coffee mug with a towel over it for 4-5 minutes each. I guess we'll do that every other day? Then go on to the next step??
Hope it works!
You can tell, his back is nice and short and his tail is long. That it's held so high when balancing on a thin board, yah, he looks good! Yah, he's wheaten, I would think that the title there is only to say it's not black and red? Because the photo looks a bit like that? I'm wondering if my boy will look like him when he grows up? Do they get their saddle feathers in later? Right now, he's all black except his hackle feathers are like yours. I'm thinking he might get more color in the saddle later, is that what happened to yours?
I had resigned myself to having a solid black cockerel, and then one day I just saw the tiniest glimmer of copper showing. I was soo excited, and yes the hackle feathers were well along before the saddle feathers started growing in. I considered it a blessing, because I had been wanting a black copper marans roo( they are so beautiful), and got one, just in miniature, so even better.
I had resigned myself to having a solid black cockerel, and then one day I just saw the tiniest glimmer of copper showing. I was soo excited, and yes the hackle feathers were well along before the saddle feathers started growing in. I considered it a blessing, because I had been wanting a black copper marans roo( they are so beautiful), and got one, just in miniature, so even better.

Yaaay, actually, not long ago when I was "training" him, I looked close at his back and I do see a bit of copper coming through :) I love that color too! And I'm glad he won't be plain black 'cause I already have Crevecoeurs, hee hee hee
I have a question for you serama breeders. Since it seems that only the females have that ugly, "wild-type" plumage, while the males get the solid color feathers, would it then be reasonable to assume that when the wild-type, multi-colored feathers come in, the chick is female? Or do all serama chicks start out with the multi-colored chick feathering for nature's sake, just like fawns (baby deer, not color) have spots when they are born to keep hidden?

I think I see where your coming from. I am not a breeder, by any means, but I have bought chicks, and hatched eggs, and no, you can't predict the gender at all by the coloring. The wild type plumage I think you're speaking of, I have right now in 2 of mine, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet. Both looked just about the same at hatch. I have 1 solid white pullet, and another chocolate/partridge colored cockerel. Seramas are Cracker Jack chickens, a surprise in every egg, and completely unpredictable. BTW I still love your avatar.

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