American serama thread!

I had fresh country scrambled eggs for breakfast and it only took 9 days to get enough to eat! Lol. I have not had fresh eggs for a very long time They were very good and I have to thank Gabby for a tasty breakfast. I was shocked when I broke them at how large the yolk is. Poor little girl went though alot to give Mom such a tasty treat. Hehe!

GOOD GIRL GABBY!!! :yesss:
I have 3 now so yes they are additive. I went to MO to pick up a hen friend for the hen I have. The breeder said she had too many Roos so she let me pick one from a batch that is only 5 weeks old His name is Romeo and is a white roo. My girls is Gabby who has been with me form 5 weeks and my new hen Gracie. Now I haves to tell myself no as these 3 are in my house. Romeo will get to loud to keep him inside. Lol

I keep a rooster in the house and he isn't actually that loud. Ive found if I leave the light on until I go to bed, he doesn't wake up to crow until I wake him up! Even then, you can make him a fleece lined "mini coop" to put him and his ladies in at night so in the morning he can crow all he wants and it is quiet enough to sleep through.

TREAD CAREFULLY Onyx..........dem feathered kids are like trying just want more and more and more and more in a trance there.........lets put it this way, when you only watch TV outside where all the birds can climb on you to watch too, you are hooked! hee hee OH AND YOU HAVE TO HAVE one special one that sleeps with you too..... :p

Here you can see 3 of dem sneaks that want>>>> IN THE HOUSE NOW MOM

Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only crazy one who sleeps with a chicken friend lil they are so stinking adorable! Litlle Berry has gone broody on 3eggs so Toy will be spending even more time with me and the goose
KRAZY??? WHOS KRAZY?? kuku--I thought EVERYONE slept with their favorite serama?!?!?
This is my snoozeing bud Peanut....he is a handicapped micro serama....he WUVS to sleep with his MAMA... :love
KRAZY??? WHOS KRAZY?? kuku--I thought EVERYONE slept with their favorite serama?!?!?
This is my snoozeing bud Peanut....he is a handicapped micro serama....he WUVS to sleep with his MAMA... :love

LOL hes a super cutie though! Does he wear diapers? Taco used to live in a diaper and have. 24/7 roam of the house. When he crowed in the morning he just got snuggled lol. I think that is what Toy will do if Berry's eggs hatch. They are great snuggle pets. I think I finally perfected my diapers so they are super easy to change and can be worn all the time. They make brest house pets =P
kuku...can you show his diaper you made? I order mine but always looking at more styles..
This is the design, but I switched materials - the cup is now made entirely with waterproof fabric and sealed with waterproof flexible fabric "glue", and the body is made with a light spandex. I put a fleece liner sewn into a little cup shape in the poop pocket so it;s real easy to pull out and replace with a clean one, the fleece can be washed and dries super fast. The old ones still work great though, just always working on something new =)

His neck feathers are tucked in just to show the diaper, I pull them out over the diaper normally, it just covers a lot of the back

Got to show y'all ...I have completed the circle...I hatched Rooder and Black Betty in an incubator and now they are mature and Betty just hatched their first chick!
Ooooh so cute!!!
Berry has gone broody on 3 eggs, it's so fun isn't it?!
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