American serama thread!

These are my 6 newest Serama babies! All from 4 different hens...1 rooster.

Rooster, Hen, Rooster - 5 weeks old

Hen - 5 weeks old

Rooster - 5 weeks old

Hen - 5 weeks old
(and boy is she TINY!! I named her Alyda (ah-lee-da) which means "small winged one")
Very very cute!!
Such a cute fuzzie! BUT that first pic just screams: "I am not amused by this photo shoot of me in front of condiments. R U implying something??" Great stink eye!!!!

Right now I guess old?
LOL yeah... they are not quite to the point where they love the camera yet. And this one is just going on 3 weeks old. I'm hoping I got a lot of little pullets in the 6 I bought, since I really don't need a whole bunch o' boys! I already HAVE 3 D'Uccle cockerels and no D'Uccle girlies, so I don't know how that's gonna play out. Might have to keep them in with my naked neck pullet just so they don't mix with the Serama girls. :D
My experience if that it really depends on the roos personalities....................I have a had a huge English Orpington that
would allow my Serama Roos to live with his flock.............Also have a few Serama roos that will fight anything that comes near their hens????????
You would just have to understanding is that Slikies are pretty laid back.
Very pretty boy you have there..........
Thank you!! He really is pretty. And yeah, my silkie is kind of like "oh you want to be the man of the coop, okay cool. I'll just be over here" haaha. I really only heard my silkie crow once, and that was when I was bringing my serama back to the coop from visiting with some of my girl campers. It wasn't a loud one either just like a "hey where'd he go?" kind of crow. It was very cute. I really just wanted to know if other people thought it'd be okay. I'm glad that you have had a roo who was okay with it. My serama is kind of a "chicken" (haha) and just likes to be the big boy, they seem to work it out, my family jokes and says that Pip (the serama) is the show off, "man of the coop" while Mo (the silkie) is the "bouncer" ." Sorry for really long message. But it was also funny, when my serama is being picked up, he yells a lot, and we will corner him, and my silkies all run over full speed like "what's happening!" So I am hoping they won't fight....I don't think this matters but they hatched a day apart from each other. And have been with each other ever since they hatched.
DITTO AND X'2, all depends on their personalities, just give it a try [supervized] and see what happens. How many girls do you have? And silkies are pretty laid back criters..LOL
IF you cannot find someone in the bay area with seramas, PLEASE pm me, I can help ya....
big-b71 [BYC] is somewhere around you, U can try him and tell him froggie sent ya! LOL
Yeah, my silkie is REALLY laid back he is like "oh you can be the big man, it's cool" haha. They hatched a day apart from each other, and have been together ever since. I have 2 silkie girls. One is pretty small(I'm a little worried about her- I think she has bumble foot or something and I don't know how to fix it or where to go) and the other one is totally healthy. Mo (my silkie) is just a big handsome boy who just struts around, it's funny when I let them wander around outside of their coop, Pip just struts around but if anything like my dog walks up to him he darts away, and Mo is like "Okay I'll handle it" haha. So they seem to be a good pair. But if something doesn't work I WILL pm you. Because I don't want him getting into fights, or being miss treated that is no way for anything to live. Thank you :)
Wow. That is a lot. Are they crosses? I do have 1 pullet that weights 13 ozs. This is Gracie. She came from MO. ZShe has only been with me a week.

Yes, she is wearing a diaper as she is a house

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