Americana, Araucana, or Easter Egger???

I agree with everyone else... not an Araucana maybe easter egger or Ameraucana $15 is a good price for a healthy pullet that age regardless There are plenty of lookalikes - I have some blue easter eggers that look like Ameraucanas, but they lay olive eggs. Just for reference... Black Ameraucana at 4 months and eight months. She comes from great stock. Blue easter egger at about 4 and 8 months.
Okay how come the last bird is not an ameraucanas? Why is it an EE?
Good question - Her body type isn't right and she is too heavy. Her full blooded sisters have black combs and faces and her ear lobes have porcelain white in them (shiny pearly white color). It's hard to tell at the angle of the last picture, but her tail set is wrong. This particular bird does lay eggs that look blue, but blue eggs do not guarantee an Ameraucana because of the way egg color is inherited by the parents. She is not from a reputable breeder of Ameraucanas. Also, a bit of info you would only know if the breeder is *honest*.... Only one of this pullet's parents is a true Ameraucana. That makes her an F1 cross. (first generation mix aka mutt). But she is a pretty mutt. Also, I hatched chicks from her and the results were very unpredictable (a required trait from all varieties of True Ameraucana is predictability when breeding them). I hope that helps.
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I may have found the breeder. If I did there is a good chance they are Ameraucana. I'm waiting on a reply.

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