Americano Blue's musher/mushing chat thread

what type of mushing?

  • Distance

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • sprint

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Rec

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 53.3%

  • Total voters
Teach her both :) then when ur one on one with her, us the other language, maybe? lol

Okmso my parents are putting up a fence this summer and mom was like Alyssa now u don't need those house.
I still need the stake outs and houses for when there not playing in then yard or working, the chain keeps them fit and not using the energy they need to work.
I have to explain more to her but she's with it still, she's just not happy but she wants me to be happy and she wants me to be responsible so buying all this stuff and working the dogs ect. Will show that, and hopefully soon I can buy 1-2 more dogs. Depends on how well my 2 dogs do. I'm excite for next winter when Hank should be working with Nala but definently in 2017 I'll have a working 2 dog team at least lol

Yeah, I could. I think it would confuse her though. 2 are better than 0, lol. Just explain to her and she should understand.




Nala is getting so much better! 2nd training session in 4months and she's keeping the line tight! She's "Line Out" she's turning on command she's "whoa" and she's "hattea" she's "keep it"
Saturday or Sunday I'm going to start adding some weight. Like 5 lbs then if she's good with that in 1-2 months I'll do 10lbs then every 1-2months add 5lbs if she's ready.
Her schedual is every other day we work for 1hr around the yard
For 10minutes we foot work
For 30minutes she pulls the sled then for the remainder of the time I'm bike along side her, it realy depends on Nala thou

Lookin good! :thumbsup

Nala is getting so much better! 2nd training session in 4months and she's keeping the line tight! She's "Line Out" she's turning on command she's "whoa" and she's "hattea" she's "keep it"
Saturday or Sunday I'm going to start adding some weight. Like 5 lbs then if she's good with that in 1-2 months I'll do 10lbs then every 1-2months add 5lbs if she's ready.
Her schedual is every other day we work for 1hr around the yard
For 10minutes we foot work
For 30minutes she pulls the sled then for the remainder of the time I'm bike along side her, it realy depends on Nala thou

Awesome! Sounds like you got it all figured out. :)
Now that the snow has melted on the road (still have 3 or so feet in the yard), I think I'll take nibbles out on the little scooter I was using before. I really wish I had bought the sled now LOL
Awesome! What kind of 'gig'? Giving rides or some sorta presentation or something? Either way, right on. :) Ooooo, dog box/camper (kinda) interesting. Does it go on the back of a tuck or is it on a flatbed trailer? Because if it's on the truck, that's gonna be kinda high up.[/quote]

First of all "Hi to every1"7. Sorry for long absence. Crazy busy here. But today I'm gonna be in the house for awhile because my baby is kinda sick & Mommy ain't home.
Now, yes, making a presentation on tepees and teachings of, and a presentation on " mushing". I will also be mushing for $$. So lotsa work but as y'all can most likey tell I like talking and love being busy, but I'll be getting paid for it this time.

The "camper" won't be much, if any, higher than the sled handles. The sleds will be on either side of it. The "camper" part will be only 41inches wide at widest point and 60inches at highest. Just a little wee place to ruff it when/if I need to(or just want to):p. It'll be able to go on a truck or a trailer. It's hard to describe so I guess I'll hafta put pix when I'm done......if I ever finish it.
Nala Chevy and Lacy are on the hunt for snakes lol
Just grass snakes and bull snakes no poisnes

Today is training day for Nala going to do that forn2hrs then I'm going to work with Hank for 30minutes
Hank on obedience for now

I dont want to train Hank in A collar or House dog Harness. I'm still waiting for his harness, I don't have enough $$ for shipping yet...
Should I get the pup harness or just go ahead and buy him a X-Back?
I'll get websites

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