Americauna Chick - Gender?


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Southwestern Ontario Canada
I have hatched Babies and many have exibited comb male or female destinction....
This chick is one of my favourite.
She? is a the only grey Americauna chick hatched and she is very forward and loves to have her chest rubbed..... I do this to any chick that will come close enough to get one....
She is very forward and in my limited experience acts very Rooish... Chest bumps my hand and pecks me before getting her chest rubbs.... Last to run, first to investigate....upright stance.
Age: 6weeks
Breed Americauna

you can see her? brother behind has a much more distinct comb...
Her? sisters seem to have no comb at all.(the ones I think are girls are the two in the front of the chick pile)

Any opinions on my little Blue Babie??
Looks like a pullet. I had a BO who grew a ton! She was huge, but then stopped growing, and stopped being dominant. So that's probably what you are getting here.

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