Americauna not laying yet...

Chris Mac

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 29, 2009
I haven't had chickens for about 12 years and now have three hens (Yeah!). We live in suburbia in the San Francisco Bay Area. I got my hens as chicks at the end of April and at the beginning of September, they began laying. At least the sex-link and Rhodie are laying - but I don't think the Americauna has ever laid. I'm judging this by the color of the eggs which are brown and rose. I know that in the winter they slow down, but is it unusual for a hen to become mature and then not lay until the following spring due to the season? I've come to the conclusion that she is either holding back OR she is, indeed laying eggs, but that she's only half Americauna and her eggs are not blue or green - but brown. She looks all Americauna and has fluffy cheeks, but then I did get her at a feed store which supposedly purchased them from Murray McMurray.

Someone told me that if her legs weren't blue, that her eggs wouldn't be blue. I had never noticed that in years past, but like I said - it's been a while.


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Mcmurray sells Easter Eggers, which CAN lay brown eggs. My 3 EEs, which I got end of april, only 1 is laying so far, the other two are holding out. Leg color doesn't have anything to do with egg color (as previously proven by numerous posts), so Unless your EE is all red combed, and is doing the chicken squat, you might have to keep waiting... good luck!
Okay - so you know if they are laying if they're squatting? (Like when you go to pet them?) Good to know! I wonder why they call them easter eggers if they lay brown eggs?
Anyway, I'll check in the morning and see if she squats - looks like she very well may be holding out!


Easter eggers can lay brown or green or olive or blue or seafoam or apparently (though I've never had one) pink. hence the name Easter Eggers! The chicken squat is where they hunker down and stick their shoulders up and out, making sort of a table, and then hold still... expecting the rooster to mate them... if they start doing that, it's a sign that they're almost ready to lay... also, if the combs and hangy down chin things are red, it's another good sign. In spite of that, I've got a big EE with all the signs who hasn't laid... and she's been showing the signs for over a month now.. stupid daylight!
Well, if spring comes and she isn't laying blue or green eggs, then I guess I'll be adding one to the flock. I really miss our blues and greens from years past. Thanks for the advice!
Hi Chris,
I got mine at HMB Feed N Fuel in May and they're laying blue eggs nearly every day. They have dark blue?/black legs. Hope this helps, I'm also in the SF bay area.

Hmmm...well I hope the leg color doesn't mean anything because she has like medium brownish/gray legs. I think I'll have to wait until spring to know for sure because Alamo Hay and Grain could have ordered Easter Eggers instead of just Americaunas. Someone stated above that some Easter Eggers do lay brown eggs. I wish I knew because if she's not going to lay blue eggs then I'd like to add a hen to my flock.

The leg color doesn't have anything to do with the color of their eggs. I got 2 ameracuanas in May. One started laying about 2 months ago and the either one hasn't. I get the olive green egg. I was hoping for the blue one. But I have a feeling that the other hen will also lay olive green eggs. Many people haven't seen colored eggs so they think they are neat!

My second ameracauna is now 30 weeks and she still isn't laying. I'm hoping that the winter won't affect her. We are still getting mild sunny days here in Alameda, CA so I keep hoping!

I also have one wyndotte that has been laying for 2 months and one that isn't. All my hens are all the same age.

Thanks Mary for your input. I'm very close to you in proximity - San Ramon, CA. I'm definitely going to wait until the spring before I decide if i need one more hen or not. Good to hear that I still have a chance for the colored eggs. When we lived on our farm many years ago, we loved them - they were so unique!
chickensducks&agoose :

Easter eggers can lay brown or green or olive or blue or seafoam or apparently (though I've never had one) pink. hence the name Easter Eggers! The chicken squat is where they hunker down and stick their shoulders up and out, making sort of a table, and then hold still... expecting the rooster to mate them... if they start doing that, it's a sign that they're almost ready to lay... also, if the combs and hangy down chin things are red, it's another good sign. In spite of that, I've got a big EE with all the signs who hasn't laid... and she's been showing the signs for over a month now.. stupid daylight!

WoW. I hadn't heard this, but my RIR did this behaviour this morning when I reached down to pet her. 5 minutes later, egg song. I never knew. Thanks!​

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