Americaunas!! Post pics of yours!!

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Here are some of mine. Granted all five pullets are only 4 days old and still look like chipmunks, but they are lovable. My daughter named the biggest one Cleo since she said the black outlined eyes remind her of an Egyptian Queen. We have two more but they are camera shy. We just love them all. Such personalities they all seem to have.

Cleo just after they arrived at home

This one I think is Fudge

This one is Brownie
hi. Here are a few of mine. I have araucanas and ameraucanas. I Love wondering what they will look like when grown. I dont think i have seen any pics like the dark brown one in the middle.
That is one of the araucanas, anyone have that color?



Great pictures! Love seeing all of the variety there.

So what color of eggs is everyone getting?

And for those who ordered their chicks from on online hatchery (like My Pet Chicken), are you finding that they are more EEs than Ameraucanas? What color of egg did you get?

Just trying to decide on whether to get from an online hatchery or not... thanks!!
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barg, too cute! Love that first pic especially. Where'd you get your EE from? Just wondering if they gave you some idea of the final coloring of your hen. Our EE's arrive next week, so dd LOVED seeing your photos.
She came from privett via a small feed store.
The lady at the feed store mixed the EE's together with Wyandottes and didn’t really know which was which so not allot of help there.
I wish I knew what her final coloring is going to be, Iv'e looked at alot of peoples pics but I still havent seen enough to know.
My guess is a combo of brown and yellow, or brown and red or brown and brown haha.

GL with yours
This is Molly and she is the sweetest..
My dd loves her to pieces.. and I think the feeling is mutual.. lol I swear she see's her coming from a mile away and Molly comes running to the fence.. there is a piece of wood that is my dd's "chair" and as soon as she sits on it Molly will hop up on her lap..




I can't believe that is her in my avatar only 7 weeks ago.. they sure grow up fast!
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I really love the ones with all the different colors. I only got two with this batch, I wish I had grabbed a couple more. I will get better pics up tomorrow. They are so fun to watch change colors.

They are in the upper right corner:

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