An assessment of my bantam cochins

Do you follow the Cochins International FaceBook page? It seems to have a good bit of activity and I suspect they'd be much more knowledgeable about your birds. I love cochins but mostly from afar, however I can tell yours seem to be of a good quality even to my inexperienced eye. I see so many pictures of "cochins" that are so rangy and pointy that about the only thing "cochin" about them is their feathered feet. To me, a cochin should pretty much look like a fluffy, feathered ball.
Do you follow the Cochins International FaceBook page? It seems to have a good bit of activity and I suspect they'd be much more knowledgeable about your birds. I love cochins but mostly from afar, however I can tell yours seem to be of a good quality even to my inexperienced eye. I see so many pictures of "cochins" that are so rangy and pointy that about the only thing "cochin" about them is their feathered feet. To me, a cochin should pretty much look like a fluffy, feathered ball.
Agreed. Same with “Cochin Bantam Breeders”, they’re more active, and most of the people are on both groups. It’s just more active responses honestly

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