Ancona Chicken Thread

let's talk floppy combs for a moment. I have an ancona who developed quite a comb at abt 6 weeks. He/she? is now 10 weeks and the comb is flopping over to one side. Does this mean he is a she or can young roosters also have floppy combs?

I've tried to research this but cannot get any definitive answers. A couple of his brothers have been crowing for a while but I can't remember if I ever saw this one crow. None of the other confirmed roosters has his comb flopped over. Just this one bird. The confirmed hens all have still much smaller combs.

I will take a picture soon and post it. For now opinions and experience on this would be welcome. Thanks.
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Flopped combs in Mediterranean breed cockerels do happen, it is a disqualification and should be a cause for automatic culling if you're single breeding (which with Anconas there's no reason not to, but thought I'd throw that out to be a bit more complete in answer).
Nava, I don't know how you got that little thing
Are you gonna keep her?

I just posted pics of my 3 Ancona roos. Anybody have a copy of the standard of perfection for them? I am keeping just one, who should it be? I have 3 Ancona hens to go with the lucky winner.

Bachelor #1

Bachelor #2

Bachelor #3

All three, L to R #3, #2, #1.
Beautiful birds.
Oh so much fun. I used to love watching that game show,wht was it called again? The dating game? Looking forward to reading the opinons. I think the one with the most even speckling but i have not read what the standards yet,so this is my compleatly novice opinion:)

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