Ancona Chicken Thread

Hi, i was looking for more BYC members with Ancona's and there in not a lot of them,or i did not find them or a thread
So i decided to do it, I love this Breed,they have a nice size white egg, and mine is laying a lot, I only have one hen and one roo,but i have 15 eggs in the incubator, and 5 chicks in the brooder, i want to get a good size flock. well i hope i'm not the only one here.

here is my little flock of two
and some baby chicks.


the other chicken was a cross from my oncona and a leghorn,she is a really good layer


ancona chicks



I got an Ancona! Flashwing, the high flyer!
HI, You are not the only one, its a quiet thread….Like your mix hen above….pretty….I have a small flock of Rosecomb Ancona's curtesy of Joseph at Yellow House….Don't think Ancona's are greatly popular because the are not a touchy feely fluffy bird that many seem to flock to….They are one of my favorites….Very self reliant, smart, lots of eggs,talky, avoids danger better than most (eagles, hawks etc.) yes a bit flighty but once they know you,,,,,,they too can be buddys. You can think of the high flying as a safety mechanism for them….eliz
My 2 from Ideal have not been great layers (maybe they don't like the cold and more "low light" months in VT). They are aggressive to my other birds, including "mounting" an EE to the point people would think I have a rooster from looking at her back. I would not likely get them again unless they were a homogeneous flock and from a source with better laying history.
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I think I got one of these chicks in my last order. The hatchery gave her or him to me in a pakage as a free rare bird. I am looking forward to seeing him or her grow. We call him/her left eye, as he/she has a stripe under her/his left eye.
Just picked up a couple of Ancona chicks at the feed store yesterday. Different charts and hatcheries report different things in regards to their laying capacity. How many do yours lay, and at what times of year? I've heard some reports that they lay in the winter too. I hope so! What about egg size?
Beautiful chicks.

I ordered 50 hatchery Ancona pullets along with 50 Penedesenca pullets to free range. They are scheduled to arrive June 10.
Jumping on this thread because I just ordered 5 from Sandhill Creek Conservancy. I'm kind of excited to get something different and to learn about the breed.

I also breed Ameraucanas and I use the white layers to breed super blues, so I'm curious how the color genetics will pass.

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