Ancona ducks?

I saw some of you are having trouble getting Ancona ducks from the Hatchery, we are currently have Ancona eggs in our incubator and I am happy to report we also have a female sitting on a nest right now. We are very excited about this and hoping our other females go broody as well as we would rather hatch them naturally! I cannot figure out how to put a picture on here if I do I will send a picture of our ducks on our pond! We have a 4 acre pond so our ducks are very happy here. We got them from a lady in Northern NC and they have been very hearty, not lost one to disease yet!
And here's me with a beautiful extra chocolate drake... in Massachusetts.
Darn you!!! lol

Would you have extra eggs in the spring? What lines are your Anconas? I have lousy luck with shipped eggs, but wonder how they'd do under one of my broodys. My Saxonys go broody pretty much like clockwork on the first of May. hmmmm.....
I had an Ancona once and loved the bird which was named Flappy Feet. I have been toying with the idea to get more and maybe this will be the year! This duck was a homebody (I freerange during the day) and let the kids carry her around and play with her. She went broody and did hatch eggs quite easily.

I just ordered eggs and am excited to add these to my flock. Anyone have any tips on habitat that you have noticed them really enjoying? I am always striving for a healthy happy flock, thanks for any tips
I'm in Windsor, NY and we recently lost our drakes to a racoon, and now the ducks are lonely. I'm looking for anyone in the area who might have some for sale!
Can you guys tell me if the females are loud. I have been reading about them and the mr. said I can have some ducks but we had some that I adopted but them had to give them away do to the fact that the female was really loud (I am in city limits) so I need quite ducks. I have chekens but no roosters. So my neighbors are used to the girls.

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