Angel wing questions


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
I think my duck may have angel wing, so just to be safe, I bought vet wrap and I plan on wrapping it ASAP. My only questions...

1.) How long do I keep it wrapped for?

2.) How often, if I need to, should I change the bandage?
I have done this twice with my ducks now. I wrap every day for a week but give them an hour or so break each day to flap their wings and clean. I have one right now - he keeps escaping so we named him Houdini!
Once wrapped it needs to stay on for 5-7 days for mild cases, and 10+ for severe. In the stickies at the top of the page is a photo tutorial on how to wrap.

Angel wing looks like hitch hackers thumb to a degree. If the wings just droop, they don't need wrapped as drooping is normal.
Once wrapped it needs to stay on for 5-7 days for mild cases, and 10+ for severe. In the stickies at the top of the page is a photo tutorial on how to wrap.
Angel wing looks like hitch hackers thumb to a degree. If the wings just droop, they don't need wrapped as drooping is normal.
I figured drooping was normal, as I saw all 4 droop their wings before.

I'm holding off on wrapping her wings, as she has seem to get the feathers to lay flat for now.

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