Animal control is on its way...Update post 73...

Just a note about fences. We are in the middle of putting in a second pasture. We're pounding posts as we speak. We are containing goats, and this will be a buck pasture so we are containing billies....and when the does go into heat, you need a GOOD fence to contain the billies.

I'm going to forget what kind of fence this is... it's similar to welded wire, but stronger. It's knotted wire of some kind. It has small squares at the bottom that get progressively larger as they go up until they are about 3x6" at the top. It's 4 1/2' tall. Because of the strength posts only need to be pounded ever 25', except at the corners and gates. Now this fence is going over about 6 acres. It's costing us about $5,500. That is with us doing all the installation work, and not counting the cost of the post pounder we bought for $2500 to install it. I don't count that because we plan to install fence in our back yards, and in the back pasture etc.

So just materials for a 6 acre fence to contain goats (this does include strands of barbed wire to be buried under the fenceline for coyote prevention), and pygmies at that is $5,500.

There's one in every bunch!
Sorry have taken the pictures but my phone is having trouble uploading them to the computer. If i have no luck by the weekend will borrow a camera and take them and then post them that way.

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