anime school RP

"you should stay a little longer consitering you think you can just float though everything with out even waving or saying hi?" jock said putting his arm around missy "you should join the cheerleading teem you'd fit right in, i think you would get right along with beth" then started laughing taking away his arm.
leo walked down the hall way a little lonely, should i really follow jock? it will be a little ackward being on the football team and not be friends with anyone...leo thought to himself he ran a hand though his short well kept hair
"you should stay a little longer consitering you think you can just float though everything with out even waving or saying hi?" jock said putting his arm around missy "you should join the cheerleading teem you'd fit right in, i think you would get right along with beth" then started laughing taking away his arm.
she smiled up at him. "well, I have more intelligence than a brain dead monkey, so I think I'll pass." she said sweetly.
"hey, the vet said he'll be fine. Come on, Ibby is hungry." he said, gently leading her to his jeep.

Letting go of Annekin after a moment's hesitation. Starfire was out in the field and trotted up when they walked by, whinnying sweetly. Sky blinked and looked at her horse. She walked to him and scratched his ears. "I'll be back later, I promise. I'll be back soon." She kissed his nose and got in the jeep.
He fired the je up, and sped off. Ten minutes after, they pulled into a long, dirt driveway through the woods. The drove on this for five minutes. It opened into a clearing containing a small, beautiful barn and a picturesque two story log cabin with a green roof. There were sevral board fenced paddocks, extending into the forest. "this is home!" raz said as he jumped out of the jeep. A high, shrill whinny vpcame from a back paddock.
He fired the je up, and sped off. Ten minutes after, they pulled into a long, dirt driveway through the woods. The drove on this for five minutes. It opened into a clearing containing a small, beautiful barn and a picturesque two story log cabin with a green roof. There were sevral board fenced paddocks, extending into the forest. "this is home!" raz said as he jumped out of the jeep. A high, shrill whinny vpcame from a back paddock.

Skylar's expressive mocha eyes scanned the place with unmasked curiosity. She let her hair down with a single tug of the silver ribbon and it fell in waves, pooling around her mid-back. "It's beautiful..." She murmured, the first words she'd said in awhile. "It really is."

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