anime school RP

Name: Ellen or Elle
Age: 16
Gender. Female
Clique. Emo
Crush: none
Gf/bf. None
Personality: quiet, depressed most of the time, hardly ever speaks, can be super sweet and gentle as well as kind and generous.
History: parents were alcoholics, but CPS took her from her abusive family and put her into foster care, but no one knows. She is a foster child, passed from one family to the next.... But never speaks of her history.

Work place: no job
Username: MollyBrownROX13
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Name: Ellen or Elle
Age: 16
Gender. Female
Clique. Emo
Crush: none
Gf/bf. None
Personality: quiet, depressed most of the time, hardly ever speaks, can be super sweet and gentle as well as kind and generous.
History: parents were alcoholics, but CPS took her from her abusive family and put her into foster care, but no one knows. She is a foster child, passed from one family to the next.... But never speaks of her history.

Work place: no job
Username: MollyBrownROX13

Skylar said nothing, not feeling comfortable in unfamiliar territory. She caught up to him wordlessly.
he stopped by a paddock, the fence line disappearing into the forest. Suddenly, light, swift hoof beats could be heard. "hey Ibby!" Raz called, chuckling. He turned to skylar, smiling. Suddenly, an iron grey Arab stallion seemed to float out of the forest. He had only faded a little, and his mane and tail were long and thick. His long, beautifully arched neck held his magnificent, regal head high. His eyes held an expression of human knowledge, and his movement was so poised he seemed to float. He looked like a melody from the forest, as if poetry itself had come to life. He had a perfectly formed top line, with low withers and a short back. His well devoloped hindquarters complemented his delicate yet powerful legs, swooping gracefully through his barrel.
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he stopped by a paddock, the fence line disappearing into the forest. Suddenly, light, swift hoof beats could be heard. "hey Ibby!" Raz called, chuckling. He turned to skylar, smiling. Suddenly, an iron grey Arab stallion seemed to float out of the forest. He had only faded a little, and his mane and tail were long and thick. His long, beautifully arched neck held his magnificent, regal head high. His eyes held an expression of human knowledge, and his movement was so poised he seemed to float. He looked like a melody from the forest, as if poetry itself had come to life. He had a perfectly formed top line, with low withers and a short back. His well devoloped hindquarters complemented his delicate yet powerful legs, swooping gracefully through his barrel.

Skylar watched in amazement at this awe-inspiring creature. It didn't even seem possible. She swept her hair to the side to get a good look at Ibby. Her eyes were alive with gentleness, awe, and unparalleled kindness. She offered a relaxed hand to the horse to sniff, and two beautiful things met.
Wintent wasn't paying attention amd soon found her face on the ground. She heard mocking laughter behind her, she slowly turned her head and saw a group of jocks laughimg high-fiving one of them, she guessed he was the one who tripped her.

Wintent stood up slowly she felt her face and felt something warm come fron her nose she looked at her hand and it was covered in blood. She groaned leaning her head back reaching inside her pocket and pulling out a packet of tissues holding one up to her bloody nose.

(Yay! Thnx)

Wintent stood up slowly she felt her face and felt something warm come fron her nose she looked at her hand and it was covered in blood. She groaned leaning her head back reaching inside her pocket and pulling out a packet of tissues holding one up to her bloody nose.
Ellen walked down the hall, just then, she spotted a girl with a bloody nose and a group of jocks laughing.

She bit her lip, wanting to help, but hardly spoke to anyone, let alone stand up for them.
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(Yay! Thnx)
Ellen walked down the hall, just then, she spotted a girl with a bloody nose and a group of jocks laughing.

She bit her lip, wanting to help, but hardly spoke to anyone, let alone stand up for them.

Wintent walked away from the group laughing at her. She walked to the park and sat down on a bench.

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