anime school RP

After a few hours wintent finished shoving the can in her bag she hoisted it onto her shoulder she walked towards the alley ways.
Name: Jackie
Age: 16
Gender: female
Clique: art geeks
Crush: none yet
Gf/bf. None yet
Personality: intelligent, kind, funny, bubbly,

Work place: animal shelter
Username: MollyBrownROX13
Aglaia walked out of her room, then down the Hallway every open door her sweet scent lingered inviting 2 cats in every door to follow eventually she had 12 cats at her feet. All looking with love and care "here my children, have food" Aglaia said dramatically while pouring a cup of cat food in a large dish on the floor. "Bye guys!!,"Aglaia said softly "BYE MOM!!!!" Aglaia screamed then giggled heading out the door
Jackie fed all of her pets... a turtle, 10 different types of fish, 3 cats, a dog and a lizard, then grabbed her backpack. She grabbed an apple and headed out the door. "Cya later guys." She said to her pets as she ran out the door. If she didn't hurry, she'd be late for school. Her parents were already at work.
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jock smothered himself in ax cologne rubbed hair gel on his mop top hair to keep it in place then grabbed his back pack and headed out the door not waiting for his sister

Beth put on her shortest white skirt and her tightest hot pink tank top then curling her hair into beachy curls then grabbing her pocket book walked out the door screaming at jock for not waiting for her.
Percy put on his favorite ripped skinny jeans and a tight three days grace t-shirt then flat ironed his long newly emo cut hair. maybe I'll catch someones attention dressed like this Percy thought to himself while grabbing his messenger bag then heading out.
Leo ran down the street oh god second day of school and I'm already gonna be late why did my parents move so far away from this school?? Leo thought his blue eyes filled with sad emotions and do i really have to beat up that kid Percy to join jocks group, Leo ran faster to keep himself from showing too much emotion. then he realized he was heading straight towards the girl with the aqua colored hair before he could do anything to stop himself he plowed right into her. he got up quickly, "I'm sorry i really didn't mean to---"
"look its okay" Aglaia said bitterly her brown eyes gazed madly picking up her books then flipping her hair "I'm Aglaia, and you should look into running more carefully" she said grimly and began to walk down the sidewalk again
'Leo followed her his head down his blue eyes holding a icy cold saddness to them
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Wintent walked out of her house quietly her school bag slung over her shoulder once she was outside she jogged towards the school in no hurry.

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