anime school RP

Name: Cathryn (Cathy)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Clique: doesn't really have a group.
Crush: none yet
Gf/bf: none yet
Personality: a total computer geek, loves anything technology, funny, athletic, energetic, defensive, can loose her temper easily.
(It won't load it rn, I'll post it later.)
Work place: computer store
Username: MollyBrownROX13
Name: Cathryn (Cathy)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Clique: doesn't really have a group.
Crush: none yet
Gf/bf: none yet
Personality: a total computer geek, loves anything technology, funny, athletic, energetic, defensive, can loose her temper easily.
(It won't load it rn, I'll post it later.)
Work place: computer store
Username: MollyBrownROX13
(accepted and ok)
Wintent pulled out a book and began reading.

Wintent read the book happily. At last Harry strugled to his feet and helped Becket up. The air was gull of the bells of fire engines. And then... She didn't get to finish the sentence as the book was forcefully ripped from her hands.
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