Another Egg Bound Hen.

She is pacing the fence, so I would say yes.

Just finished the second round of fluids.

hope you get your egg!

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Hmmm....I'm really not liking this season too much so far. I have 4 hens who are either having issues laying or are laying weird eggs, I have 3 that are laying just fine, and 7 that haven't even started to lay yet. I need some fingers crossed, prayers, or whatever your willing to send this way this morning, because I have one of my favorite girls steaming it up in my bath tub right now. I found her on the ground this morning, she was due to lay last night. She is semi-paralyzed so I know it's egg binding. Did a vent check and the egg is right there about 1/2 inch in, I lubed as best as I could with olive oil, (no KY on hand). She has had 5 ccs of calcium gluconate watered down, and it is about 85-90 in the bathroom now. This is not a tame imprinted hen, so she is not liking all this. I've avoided trying to massage it out to try to keep the stress lower. She is still able to poop as she has done so on me twice now. :(
Hope she pulls through. We lost one of our RI reds yesterday. I am new at this but looking back should have realized something wasn't right bc she was sitting on the coop floor the past 2-3 days at odd hours. She looked healthy so thought she was just deciding to sit fir a change instead of roosting. She came out and free ranged a bit in the a.m. too. When I picked her up to examine her I noticed her vent (I think that's the egg popper hole right?)was wide open-a huge round gaping hole. But saw no egg in her or around her and no blood. Anyone know what this could be that would have caused her death? RIP Sweet Polly:(
My egg bound hen just laid her egg. Treatment was 150 ml of fluids under the skin this morning, 2 ml of 23% calcium under the skin with it and 60 ml of oral fluids three times today. Very interesting egg, and definitely not going to set it. Will take pictures and post them later.


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