Another Egg Bound Hen.

Well, I don't think it was that warm, but it is done and she did not vomit. I went very slowly using my new crop needle, and only did 10mls at a time giving her a break in between each. 60ml seems like a lot, but it barely made a dent in the gallon I mixed up.
I know it seems like a lot, but it's the amount I've been giving mine when I give just fluids. My Muscovy drakes get about 120 and big turkeys get 240ml orally, that's a lot, lol. How big is your hen? 6 pounds? 9 pounds?

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I had to do it this morning, and although not my first time, it was the first time I felt the egg. It was literally like a half of an inch inside, felt like a wet rubber ball through the glove. It will require a second person if you've never done it and she can still walk, mine was paralyzed at the time I did it so I was able to do it solo.
About 1/2" is usually where I feel them in peafowl...

I know it seems like a lot, but it's the amount I've been giving mine when I give just fluids. My Muscovy drakes get about 120 and big turkeys get 240ml orally, that's a lot, lol. How big is your hen? 6 pounds? 9 pounds?


She's one of my biggest hens, a little over 9 lbs.

Not to change the subject, but I have an egg question for you. If an egg started at 109g and at 2 weeks incubation has lost about 6 grams, does this sound like it is on track and humidity is okay?
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Then 60 should be no big deal for her.


Should I do another 5 ml of calcium gluconate when we do the second round of fluids?

She's out there fence pacing now, you'd never know she couldn't walk this morning, I hope she passes this thing tonight.
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Just checked her vent, didn't feel anything, that's if i'm doing it right, she was opening and closing her vent, i guess this is normal?
Just checked her vent, didn't feel anything, that's if i'm doing it right, she was opening and closing her vent, i guess this is normal?

Mine was doing the exact same thing. I had one last year that I never could feel an egg in. I've often wondered if it broke before I checked for it, because I lost the hen, quickly.
Should I do another 5 ml of calcium gluconate when we do the second round of fluids?

She's out there fence pacing now, you'd never know she couldn't walk this morning, I hope she passes this thing tonight.
When did she have the 5ml? and was it the 23%?

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Kathy walked me through tube feeding, I thought she was sick turned out she was egg bound as soon as I gave her fluids about thirty minutes later she laid and was acting normal again. So maybe the extra fluid just puts pressure where it needs to be to expel the egg. Hope she is better Dylansmom. Fingers crossed

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