Another Egg Bound Hen.

Thanks... she's been giving lots of gray hairs since the season started, lol.
Congratulations on the egg
How is your hen today?

My hen passed this morning, just after i decide to bring her inside to give her some fluids, she died in my hands
How is your hen today?

My hen passed this morning, just after i decide to bring her inside to give her some fluids, she died in my hands

Oh no. I am so sorry to hear that. Kathy mentioned to me just a few days ago that she felt, treating quickly was important in egg binding. That's why I brought mine in and gave calcium within an hour of finding her down. Once again, I'd say she has saved a hen's life. I got a slightly olive oily but otherwise perfect egg from mine during the night.

This is a larger hen and I know she has laid larger eggs, she is 8 or 9 now and never had any laying problems before, so I am not sure what to attribute this to. I fought hard for this egg, and I'm going to set it, but I am guessing the olive oil may render it unviable. Again, Q8 sorry you lost your girl.
My egg bound hen just laid her egg. Treatment was 150 ml of fluids under the skin this morning, 2 ml of 23% calcium under the skin with it and 60 ml of oral fluids three times today. Very interesting egg, and definitely not going to set it. Will take pictures and post them later.

I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours'.

In all seriousness though, thank you for the help and very glad to hear yours' laid also.
Hope she pulls through. We lost one of our RI reds yesterday. I am new at this but looking back should have realized something wasn't right bc she was sitting on the coop floor the past 2-3 days at odd hours. She looked healthy so thought she was just deciding to sit fir a change instead of roosting. She came out and free ranged a bit in the a.m. too. When I picked her up to examine her I noticed her vent (I think that's the egg popper hole right?)was wide open-a huge round gaping hole. But saw no egg in her or around her and no blood. Anyone know what this could be that would have caused her death? RIP Sweet Polly:(

Thanks so much, our hen passed a respectable egg overnight so we are breathing a big sigh of relief this morning. I am sorry for your loss.
@casportpony is the person who may be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction. Could she have laid a really large egg somewhere while she was free ranging in the morning? My girl's vent wasn't wide open like that, I had to use my finger to check for an egg and I had to push bit to get in there.
Thank you so much, it was late last night and didn't have much choice, great that your hen laid the egg, hoping she starts eating and acting normal now.
Thank you so much, it was late last night and didn't have much choice, great that your hen laid the egg, hoping she starts eating and acting normal now.

Yes, I was lucky to find mine early in the morning. Mine actually never stopped eating. She was eating potato bread while she was in my bathtub. I just wonder if there is anything that can be done to try to prevent a repeat of this, now that we know the hen is having problems?

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