Another Egg Bound Hen.

This poop I always see when a hen has started to breed and is standing up after two days the first time. Then all are having this special poop. If I see such a poop in the aviary I know that the hen was standing up during the day once.
Maybe it is calcium which is not needed anymore when she is breeding and not laying anymore.

So you see this very white poop even when you are not giving extra calcium?
So you see this very white poop even when you are not giving extra calcium?
Yes, as I sad, during laying the hens are eating mussel shells etc. and as soon as they start breeding and don't lay anymore I see exactly these white and hard poop balls in the aviary.
Well the purple b/s hen was fine tonight when I got home from work so she went back into the breeding pen. Never found an egg in her overnight dog crate but it could have been a softshell and she stepped on it. Later tonight around 5pm I was mowing yard and as I was mowing next to the pens with my bssp birds I noticed a pied hen in the corner where they normally lay eggs in. She looked dead,,almost flattened out so I quit mowing and went inside the pen. She was flat with her head almost on the ground panting. When I finished mowing and went for the night egg donation, she was still in the corner. This time I tried getting her to stand and once I let go she immediatedly went down. So,,brought her to the house,gave her 10 cc's of vitamin E and in another hour or so I will give her 30 cc's of blue gatorade, just as I did last night to the purple b/s hen. This pied hen is also in the 5-6 year old range.
Well no egg from Bertolli last night which is when # 6 would have been due. She does not look any worse today, and I am kind of hoping that maybe all this difficulty will cause her laying cycle to be interrupted. I want a live hen that's not laying more than I want eggs. I did 70 mls. of fluids, with Kaytee, but no calcium. I have also been thinking about Kathy's point that perhaps something else is going on with her, and I decided to worm her again with safeguard. She did move from a pen attached to the large barn to a smaller pen attached to my heated barn, perhaps she picked up something she was not used to?
I just don't know, and I am just trying to cover all bases. Most of her poops are not runny and none have signs of blood in them, but we will worm and if there still seems to be a problem maybe do corid, anybody have any other suggestions?

@casportpony how are you making out with your hen?
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I am in kind of the same boat only with a peacock. The Peach Silver Pied cock I got recently has been going down hill and I am not sure why. He has lost a lot of weight, doesn't roost, and the other birds are picking on him. He is inside getting tube fed and a stool sample is going to town today, yesterday I went to the vet only to discover that the sample was still at home.
I am in kind of the same boat only with a peacock. The Peach Silver Pied cock I got recently has been going down hill and I am not sure why. He has lost a lot of weight, doesn't roost, and the other birds are picking on him. He is inside getting tube fed and a stool sample is going to town today, yesterday I went to the vet only to discover that the sample was still at home.

Ouch, I hope you can figure it out, that would be a tough loss.
I'm thinking that my hen has some sort of defect in her shell gland. I'll post pictures later and try to explain what I'm seeing. Yesterday morning she laid a shelled egg with strange defects, then last night she was acting like she wanted to lay again.

In addition to her laying problems, she was also treated for for a blackhead and a possible bacterial infection, which I think gave her a yeast infection, so last night I started her on ketoconazole and nystatin. Think I called that right, 'cause her poop looks better already.

Ouch, I hope you can figure it out, that would be a tough loss.

In more ways than one... I did the routine worming but didn't do the corid treatment, the stools look fine but I will know if it is worms or cocci today. The other birds that came with him are all fine, they were picking on him too.

I don't mean to hijack your thread, just making an observation that sometimes it can be really hard to know what the problems are.

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