Another Egg Bound Hen.

Have you checked inside her vent for a stuck egg? And when you say small egg, how small?



Have you checked inside her vent for a stuck egg? And when you say small egg, how small?

Here is another pic of the eggs that's the eggs of the 11 months hen and her mom ..notice like the 2 in the left are smaller and the one on the top right
Internet not down, computer busted, so on iPad now.

KsKingBee is probably correct... Most hens don't start laying until they are two, so I gotta ask, did you actually see her lay an egg? Checking for a stuck egg is easy, very gently insert well lubed, gloved finger no more than 1/2 inch into vent (see pictures in thread to understand anatomy).

Other illness possibilities are blackhead and/or infection. Best thing to do is find a vet. Can you post some poop pictures?


And yes I saw her lay 3 eggs her wings were hanging Down
About to give mine fluids and calcium. Thinking if she doesn't start laying unassisted I'm gonna take her to the vet and talk about an implant to keep her from laying, 'cause this is wearing me out!


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