another idiot dog owner

First time I just scanned the article and I read the word "Roo" and I thought "HOLY CATS! A ROOSTER DID THAT TO THAT MAN???"

I think these things happen sometimes. I had a wild rabbit attack one of my dogs once... another time I saw a pheasant go bananas on a cat... I mean whoda thunk??? Never underestimate the strength of a wild animal. Kangaroos are notoriously mean and strong. He's lucky he survived.
Yeah, I don't think you deserve to be pummeled by a roo just because you have your dog off leash on your own property, BUT its really important to have better control over your dogs even when unleashed. Every dog owner should teach the "leave it" commands. Remember the classic video of the dog that decides to fetch a lit roman candle?

The story reminded me of a typical Florida dog problem: alligators. Any body of water can have them and they really love to eat dogs. Where I work there is a lake where a lot of clueless dog owners have lost their pets to alligators. Some of them don't even have a clue where their dog is, then they call Fido back to the car and he never returns. The fault also lies with those who think it is cute to feed the alligators, making these wild animals unafraid of humans and expecting food from them. People have had their dogs attacked at water's edge even while on lead.
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Most of the responses are kind of....strange? to me. But I have to respond (and with all respect to each and every one of you).

All it says in the article is: "Mr. Rickard was walking his blue heeler dog Rocky at the back of his property about a quarter mile from his home when they woke the kangaroo which had been sleeping in long grass near the dam. The startled roo jumped into the dam, and Rocky followed. The roo then grabbed the dog with its front paws and held it under water for about 20 seconds until Mr Rickard arrived."

If we take it for what it's worth, it sounds to me like the dog and owner were at the wrong place at the wrong time (even though it was on his own property) and simply startled the kangaroo. It happens. Animals get startled, and when startled react in many different ways.

First of all, I don't get why the dog got what he deserved, or why the dog owner was an idiot. They were on their own property. Dogs don't need to be leashed on their own propety. Secondly, we don't know if the dog even went after the kangaroo. Thirdly, I don't get where the dog didn't return on doesn't say whether he called the dog or not. We don't even know if he had time to call his dog. (If it were me, I'd be screaming for my dog, but we weren't there, we don't know what happened). We don't know if that was the dog's job. We don't even know if the dog actually went after the roo. It simply says "they" woke the kangaroo, which leaves a lot of room for speculation, but that's exactly what it is. We might even be able to speculate that whatever was done to the kangaroo to wake and startle it, they did together as, "they woke the kangaroo".

And I hate to say it, but as imprudent as it sounds, you bet yer butt I'd try to save my dog.
My dogs are my world. They're the most important animals on my farm. They're not even animals...they're family
So to me, this just sounds like a freaky unfortunate accident and I'm sure Mr. Rickard and his family are glad it turned out better than it could have.

And lastly, if that happened to me, I'd be able to tell you if kangaroo tasted like chicken
I'm betting though, that it tastes just like kangaroo
I think its silly that you would say that about the owner and his dog. I mean honestly? HE WAS WALKING HIS DOG ON HIS OWN PROPERTY! I bet the last thing he expected was a kangaroo to jump out! If its a farm its a large bit of land, do you think he would honestly use a leash?
One of our BCs was always right by my side when I was building the line fence around our farm. Never on a leash. She'd disappear from time to time, so I'd holler and hear leaves rustling a few yards away. She never went far, and all it took was calling for her. I've seen her take a run at things before, but...well, we don't have kangaroos, so I didn't much worry about it.

Thinking back on how similar this guy's story is to mine, I can't help but wonder why someone would think I deserved to nearly drown in a pond to save my dog from a chance encounter with a wild animal.

Seems a bit...over the top.
Having knowledge of kangaroo's, they are pests - the way flies are pests. Their population is so overgrown in Australia they are actually allowed to shoot them if they come in their yard. They are also agressive when they are hungry. My heart goes out to this man that was injured by a national pest.
Dont sound to me like anyone really got what they deserved it is something that happened. My dog recalls very well 99.9% of the time I assume it would if it jumped a Roo but no saying I know for sure. My dog stays on my property 99.9% of the time hasnt left for over three years, but something bad can always happen. Seems like a bit of leeway might be reasonable.

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