Another "pond" question


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Modesto Ca
Hey there

So Since spring is here, our backyard will get a good cleaning, which means I can get my pond. Well for a simple 90 gallon liner, is costs about $80
I was looking for cheaper ponds and what not online and saw an amazing idea. What about a pool pond?!
SOmething like this is about 500+ gallons

It would get only 3 hours of sunlight even in the summer so the plastic wont get ruined. And I can get a different filter for it.

I will look for a better quality one, but would this be a good or bad idea?

There is also this one
which is a little above 400 gallons
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Do a search for "stock tanks" online. I bought one - 'twarn't cheap - and have it sitting on the ground with a set of concrete block steps and a board for a ramp. Mine is 300 gallons - they're made to be used out in fields, so they are very very tough. I also made a "wild life escape ramp" so any creatures falling in can climb out again.

My Cayuga drake takes a swim in it every afternoon.
I did look up stock tanks
But they are really expensive and dont hold as much water.

I will consider it though
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Really? Im just really worried because of the fact that theyre limited in size(and I wanted to get a koi or two) and that they cost a lot(which my parents would not want to do).
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How about some thick rubber liner from the plumbing store. That's what I'm planning to use to expand my garden pond this year. DH said its not that expensive......could be something to consider.
You need a hard plastic or rubber, those soft sided and inflatable pools aren't designed for more than one season unless you baby it, and that's as a swimming pool. To try it as a pond, I just foresee a rupture and a flash flood. A persistent dog paw onto the side is enough to rip it, some friends of mine found that out.

Have you looked on craigslist or other sites for something used? I keep seeing 5ft by 6ft plastic pond liners for like $50 here.

Are you wanting it for fish and plants? Or ducks? Turtles, ducks, ect all have nails/claws. Fish... if something does make it explode, you need something to put them in if you can catch them if something soft does burst.

Your best bet is a used stock tank or pond liner.

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