Any concerns about wild Canada Geese interacting with domestic ducks

I have noticed a crane here on many occasions. I'm not sure that it's the same one each time and actually doubt that it is. The crane is always alone and seems to lurk in the corners of my pond. When it notices me, it takes off flying and will hang out high up in a nearby tree. My ducks are always terrified when it flies off and I'm not sure if it's because they had no idea that it was even there before then or not. I took a picture of the crane that was here about a month ago. I'll see if I can find it but since they're so thin and tall, they're not extremely noticeable on land, in a pond.
Beautiful bird. We have great blue herons here they will eat ducklings and goslings. I guess it keeps the wild water fowl pop in check but I'd be devastated if one ever got hold of one of my babies. My ducks or geese never go down to the river.
You have such a beautiful place.

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