Any concerns about wild Canada Geese interacting with domestic ducks

That was not me. :oops: It is done really well though. :)
I was trying to figure out what bird it was myself a week or so ago.

Yes, it appears to be a professional shot, the way it tracks the bird. I didn't know if you were the photog or not, but it was so well done I felt it deserved an appreciative comment! :frow:clap
Its a great blue heron. We had them in Destin, FL. They would land on the back deck of our charter boat and steal the live cigar minnows from the live well. They were not scared of us at all. In the winter when times were tough they'd just about eat out of your hands. We called him Fred. All of them. They are all Fred in Georgia too!
Its a great blue heron. We had them in Destin, FL. They would land on the back deck of our charter boat and steal the live cigar minnows from the live well. They were not scared of us at all. In the winter when times were tough they'd just about eat out of your hands. We called him Fred. All of them. They are all Fred in Georgia too!

I see one occasionally around here. One flew over the car once and it really amazed me how big it was! Thanks, I will now call it Fred too! :lau
Beautiful bird. We have great blue herons here they will eat ducklings and goslings. I guess it keeps the wild water fowl pop in check but I'd be devastated if one ever got hold of one of my babies. My ducks or geese never go down to the river.
You have such a beautiful place.

OH my goodness! That's so scary! Are they protected like the Canada Geese and Cranes? I can't imagine the devastation of losing a duckling or gosling to one of these. I guess that's why it's hanging around so much lately. It's waiting for some babies to eat :hit I had no idea that we had so many predators here in NC. I imagine there are even more in your area, being that it's the mountains. Today someone told me that we have skunks here, in central NC. I have always known that there is always so much to learn, but there is so much more than I can even imagine
OH my goodness! That's so scary! Are they protected like the Canada Geese and Cranes? I can't imagine the devastation of losing a duckling or gosling to one of these. I guess that's why it's hanging around so much lately. It's waiting for some babies to eat :hit I had no idea that we had so many predators here in NC. I imagine there are even more in your area, being that it's the mountains. Today someone told me that we have skunks here, in central NC. I have always known that there is always so much to learn, but there is so much more than I can even imagine
they used to eat they sweet little mallard ducklings in the Destin harbor too along with ospreys, foxes, cats and just about everything else. Those poor little things didn't have a chance. Each day there would be fewer ducklings.
I have a pair of Canadian geese that come back every year and stay with our ducks and chickens there has never been any problems.The geese actually watch over the ducks and chickens.And when there babies hatch they show them off to us.

That's wonderful! I posted a picture of the proud parents and goslings from last year, earlier in this thread. I just love them and have always welcomed them but this is the first time I've had ducks so I wanted to ask. Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree with you 100%
Look who's back and waiting for breakfast this morning!!! They had me thinking they found somewhere else and/or might not come back when they didn't show up yesterday. This made my day.

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