Any guesses on the mixes? PIC HEAVY


7 Years
Jun 5, 2012
Manitoba, Canada
I asked the lady I bought them from, but she's not even sure of what they're crossed with. All of them look like they should be feather-footed, but only one distinctly is. However, upon inspection today, I noticed that the other two do have small feathers on their ankle-areas. If I can't figure out breed, I don't mind, just wanna see what ya'll think. These chicks are about two weeks old. Click to enlarge pictures.

Chick #1 (Curly) - Clearly booted, I'm thinking Cochin cross considering I did buy some Cochin/Polish cross chicks from the same lady.

Chick #2 (Larry) - Not booted, but in the second picture you can see feathers on its ankles.

Chick #3 (Moe) - Also has feathers on legs, but not full boots.

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