Any Halloween Hatch-A-Longers?

Two more to go!
I need more Silkies!!! My 5 day old Silkie actually crowed with the other roos yesterday! I couldn't believe it! Still hoping the other one is a hen
All mine are out! Granted they all hatched last night, so not technically Halloween babies, but it counts since I set them for Halloween, right? Darn bantams and their early hatches :rolleyes: All are looking good! I got two splashes and three blues.
We are setting eggs in our sportsman 1502 tonight after we gather the last of two weeks worth of eggs. Looks like about 40 eggs will be the count this time. We separate our hens and rooster to keep pure bred lines. They are free to roam with the others when they finish their 3 week separation.

We are also having hatchings today. They started late last night and so far, we have 10 out of 50+/-. My wife keeps up with the count. We have had really good success with the 1502. We are averaging 80% hatch rate with very few dying after hatching. Out of our October hatching (125) only 5 have died after hatching.
Out of 39 eggs I had 7 quitters. Fully developed? Did I do something wrong? I'll update some pics. 3 polish, 3 buff, 3 gold wynadotte, 14 serama, 4 white oeg, couple bb red oeg, 1 blue Americauna, 1 olive egge, and one mixed bantie. Whew. Had a good hatch I think. I hope everyone's babies are out and healthy.

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