Any hope for this rooster?


May 3, 2023
I have a rooster who's been in with my hens for about 3-4 weeks now.

I posted a little while back about him attacking me and my son. Although it's gotten better, he will still come at us from time to time.

I've been observing him with the hens and he does no tidbitting, "dances" very seldom, and literally chases them down to try to mate. The hens trying to get away and he will hang on the heads until he wrestling them down. Many times the hens manage to get away and run off.

He crows A LOT. Especially whenever a human is outside, anywhere. Then during evening chores he crows the entire time while I tend to the goats, baby chicks, and the other small flock of hens I have in quarantine.

Now, this is only my second rooster. And I'm comparing him to one who was such a gentleman.

I adopted this rooster from a bachelore pad. The woman said he was extremely friendly and would jump on her back. He's under 2 years old, don't know exact age. But it has been quite a few months since he was with hens.

So at what point do you know a rooster is not a good match? My last rooster integrated pretty quickly. And maybe he was an anomaly. I'm just not seeing the progress with this roo.
Roosters are a dime a dozen usually, so if he is not meeting your needs, then find another. I will never keep a human-agressive rooster ever again, especially around small children.

That being said, I’ve kept roosters that I haven’t necessarily loved, but ones that served a purpose. What are your priorities for a rooster? And how hard would it be for you to find a replacement?
Roosters are a dime a dozen usually, so if he is not meeting your needs, then find another. I will never keep a human-agressive rooster ever again, especially around small children.

That being said, I’ve kept roosters that I haven’t necessarily loved, but ones that served a purpose. What are your priorities for a rooster? And how hard would it be for you to find a replacement?
Yea, previously I thought he was just nervous and needed some time to settle in. But I don't trust him which makes me want to say goodbye.

My priorities for the rooster are just to help with predator avoidance and keep the flock calm. My last rooster was excellent at this. He also never once gave me any sign that he would even think about attacking me. He just kept his distance when I, or any other human, was around. Eventually I'd like to explore hatching out some eggs, but that's not my top priority at the moment.

I could deal with him needing some time to get used to us. But I just saw him go after a hen trying to pick up a piece of food because he wanted it and it made me furious! haha

Finding a replacement won't be difficult, when I last went looking I had about 15 to choose from. Thought I made a good choice, but he is not living up to his hype at all! haha
He's attacking you and by the sounds, the hens don't like him. I'd rehome him to someone who wants him for tick control or send him to freezer camp unfortunately. :(
Yea, I think that's where I'm at. I'm trying to be patient, was hoping maybe he'd get his poop in a group. I'm afraid I'll end up going through multiple roosters trying to find a "good" one.

But I have some chicks growing right now and I'm certain to end up with a few cockerels, so maybe I'll just go rooster-less until they grow out and I can pick the best to keep.
Yea, I think that's where I'm at. I'm trying to be patient, was hoping maybe he'd get his poop in a group. I'm afraid I'll end up going through multiple roosters trying to find a "good" one.

But I have some chicks growing right now and I'm certain to end up with a few cockerels, so maybe I'll just go rooster-less until they grow out and I can pick the best to keep.
You might want to wait with your chicks. That way, you can choose which one by watching them for awhile.
Yea, that's what I'm thinking. When I acquired this rooster, I wasn't sure if I would get chicks this spring....So I decided to try integrating a new "leader". But he's acting more like a mean hen to the hens and a jerk to us.
My last rooster was terrible with the hens. As soon as I rehomed him, my hens started becoming more friendly and everything.
The girls know fairly quickly if he’s a good one or not. ;)

I do understand wanting to give him some time to blend in, but it sounds like you have better options. I’m gonna cry when my main flock master dies. He’s pushing 8 years old, and just last week saved some chicks and ducklings from a hawk.

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