any Jersey Giant breeders in or around TN?

Vata Raven

Feb 15, 2023
Is there by chance anyone on here that breeds true SOP Jersey Giants, or perhaps you know someone who does? You know, the ones that get 10/13 pounds, maybe even bigger.

Thanks for the help.
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per the APA book of standards the minimum weight for a BJG Rooster (over a year) is 13 lbs. a little less for a hen.

Look up BJG breeders-t I think there is a club.

Think about attending the Ohio National Poultry Show - the largest in the country - held in Columbus, in Nov every year - it is a 3 day affair I think. We attended as visitors a few years ago, and it was a great learning experience.

Look up on the NPIP website. There is a way to search by state. You will look up the stock codes on the left side ..I think the codes you are looking for begin with “R” they go by breed, then color. Once you have the codes(s), you will go the the states you are interested in, and search the document (using the bar menu at top of page, use the “find” function, type in the stock code and it will find all instances of that code in the doc). This should yield some results for you with addresses, and sometime phone numbers.

I’ve had some beautiful and very big BJG. Yes, to get the right size and shape, you will need a breeder, not a Hatchery. FWIW a BJG takes about 18 months to fully grow. If you want to show them, this matters.

I recommend buying the APA book of standards if you are wanting birds that conform to standard, this will be your guide.
I recommend buying the APA book of standards if you are wanting birds that conform to standard, this will be your guide.
I mentioned the weight because hatchery stock list them with lighter weights.

Yes, there is a club. I have not joined it yet.

I was about to ask why the Ohio showing, but you answered it. If it's the biggest event for flow showing, then I'm bound to find something I like.

Sadly, I started with hatchery stock as my first flock this year, but I did it on purpose to see what breed I would've liked to focus on.

I like how big the BJG gotten, and their black feathering. Though, I like my Plymouth, too, but I think the BJG need more attention than other large fowl... like, making sure their numbers don't deplete.

Did the APA change? I found an edition from 1910, and it said they get to 13 pounds in 9 months, so I don't know where people get the 1.5 year growth from.
Did you happen to post on the NJGC Facebook group asking about breeders in TN? If not, someone recently asked a similar question and got a few responses that may be helpful to you. I can PM you if that was not you.

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