Any one ever buy from Cackle hatchery?

My friend and I had a very bad experience. We split an order of 20 chicks, got 1 extra, lost 4 shortly after recieving. They never called or emailed her to let her know that they were on the way. The LF chicks we ordered are smaller then my d'uccle chicks and maybe a 5th of the size of my standard sized chicks that are only a few days older. They seem to lack vigor and haven't grown much at all in their first week. I will stick with hatching eggs from now on, the guys I hatch at home are so much healthier.
Have always had great experiences with Cackle.
Havwe ordered several times and always have had good shipments, lose very very few babies.
I ordered from them twice this year 100 light brahmas both times. The first 100 I ordered as a straight run and receive 103 peeps with 1 doa. They were turned into "pounce toys" by 1 of my dogs and a renter's dog. Both dogs were punished and now go no where near the coop. Also fixed all the doors to coop with deadbolts. ONE expensive lesson!!!!! The second batch arrived June 8 75 pullets and 25 roos. They sent 78 pullets one which was doa, and 25 roos. They are doing great and growing like weeds. Had a slight issue with pasty butt BUt thanks to this site and cider vingar tip it cleared up and have lost no chicks. Had to move them to the main coop last week as they out grew their brooder room. The staff a Cackle hatchery were great to work with and very understanding. Will/would definitely order from them again.
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I tried cackle for the first time 2 months ago. I got 10 cinnamon queens that were a new breed for me. They are pretty darn cute. I also received 5 welsummers. 1 died within the first week and I believe 1 is a rooster. Still happy only one didn't make it, prices are pretty good too. I would order again :)
Got my third batch of chicks from Cackle today. Neighbor's dogs got into the run and murdered 91 of my 102 light brahma's who were 7 weeks old. The only issue I have/had was the postponment of the order by 3 weeks due to poor hatching (something about the heat) This order did show up a day early as the eggs hatched early. I was notified by email. Not sure how those 2 things happen. I ordered 75 pullets and got 84 in this batch along with 26 roos ordered 25. Not ONE DOA this time. All healthy and running around. The roos look like punk rockers with their green-striped heads. Hatchery did this to keep them seperate. The neighbor's dog now lives on a chain, and his dog's killing spree cost him $500.00 for the 91 chicken dinners they had. The remaining 9 ( 8 hens 1 roo) seems to have gotten over their trama and no longer run screaming when they see something aproaching the run. I now have steel gates on the openings and 5 ft streched horse fence ( woven wire) around the run. Also have a loaded 243 if his flipping dogs show up again. I am assuming that the green strip on the roo's heads will not harm them and kind on nice to look in and see "where the boy's are" in relation to the girls. Here's hoping that the third time is the charm. Already have 2 people who whant to buy eggs whent he girls get going. Hoping that winter is a little late in getting here this year.

PS has anyone else thrown a large bug in into the brooder room and watched the results. Sort of a cross between football and the old movies showing women at a store sale. I have wasted hours hunting bugs to keep seeing this.
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I never ordered from them but had chicks from purely poultry that came from ideal from a small order back in 2010 and they're great and my favorite older chickens now... I find southern birds to great and the best.. Not SQ but great birds
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