Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?


It sounds all too true and all too familiar!
It is so cold here in NC, I went home at lunch to check on my girls and give them water, which was frozen over. They did not lay early this morning as they have been and I thought it was so cold , all their energy was surely going to staying warm. Looked in the coop and there were 3! One from each hen and thank goodness I got there before they froze! Like Christmas everyday!
I have a question. How can you tell if a cold egg is frozen? 6deg. last night 24 for a high today and 18 tonight.
Chickens are doing fine, got a record 8 eggs today,(9 hens including 2 dom;s that are 3 years old now).
They were eager to get out and scratch for a while this evening. I tossed them some scratch, and some sun flower seeds.
They had a good snack before dark this evening. Any way, back to the question.........
Sit it on the counter, on it's side and spin it.... as it slows down.... if it wobbles it's NOT frozen. If it just keeps a steady spin..... frozen.

Try it with an egg you know isn't frozen to see what it does.

Same works for hardboiled eggs, which also don't wobble.
I got a first egg from my Raven....
My EE mix

When my EE cross with an Buff orp came up with a cream egg I did not have too much hope for Raven here. But she gave us a pretty blue egg yesterday. I believe she is an EE/ Andalusian cross .... So Eggcited....
I got a first egg from my Raven....
My EE mix

When my EE cross with an Buff orp came up with a cream egg I did not have too much hope for Raven here. But she gave us a pretty blue egg yesterday. I believe she is an EE/ Andalusian cross .... So Eggcited....

How exciting! What a pretty girl and a pretty egg!
We're beginning to come out of a really cold stretch of weather so I went out to the coop and cleaned it out. While I was out there, I was playing with the hens and noticed that three of the four have lost color in most of their crowns and one of the girls has a black tip or two. Clearly this cold snap really hurt them. I didn't have a heating lamp on as they didn't act as if they needed it and besides Black Austrolorps are supposed to be 'cold hardy'. I feel really bad. I'm going to pick up a heating lamp tomorrow. I admittedly know very little of what actually causes frostbite on the crowns of chickens so perhaps a heating lamp wouldn't have done any good but now I wish I had at least given it a shot.
Apparently humidity is usually the culprit rather than just the cold. My sister has a tiny coop with good ventilation and even her Leghorns don't have any problems with their combs, but my smaller-combed girls have some black spots. I need to install some vents. I have been applying Vaseline to their combs on cold nights since then, and none of them have gotten any worse, even though the temps have dropped again.

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