Any pipe smoking chicken keepers.


11 Years
Aug 6, 2008
Durand, MI
I've smoked a pipe for about 18 years now. Just curious if any members are pipe smokers. It can be just as consuming of a hobby as keeping chickens. Hundreds of pipes and blends to choose from. When it's nice out one thing I enjoy is just sitting in the shade smoking my pipe and watching the chickens as they range around the yard. I have a pipe forum, yes they have those, if anybody wants to check it out. Here's a link to it: It seems like almost every other hobby out there is practiced by people who keep chickens, I thought I would see if there were any pipesters here.
Awe, made me think of my late Grandpa. He smoked a pipe and kept chickens. Strange how seeing your post made me think of him and his chickens. good times then, good times.
I gave up pipe smoking years ago. Even cigarette smokers complained. It dragged at the teeth too.

Now that I have time to sit in the shade on the verandah and talk to the turkeys maybe I'll think about doing it again.
My Dad never hired a pipe smoker, he said they spend all day lighting the thing and never got any work done. When I was a kid we made corn cob pipes and filled them with Bugle Boy until we learned how to roll.

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