Anybody else call their girls?


12 Years
Sep 11, 2009
Yucaipa, CA
My Coop
My Coop
I trained my girls to come running when I call. Often I'll have kitchen scraps in the middle of the day and they aren't expecting them. So, I started by going our and getting their attention by calling in a high pitched shrill "....CHICK CHICK CHICK......CHICK CHICK CHICK...... at first they just looked at me from a distance but they soon learned that I had treats. Now If I go out any time of the day and want to see them I simply call out to them and they come running. I have always believed that chickens are individually dumb but collectively they are smart enough to survive and thrive.
I trained my girls to come running when I call. Often I'll have kitchen scraps in the middle of the day and they aren't expecting them. So, I started by going our and getting their attention by calling in a high pitched shrill "....CHICK CHICK CHICK......CHICK CHICK CHICK...... at first they just looked at me from a distance but they soon learned that I had treats. Now If I go out any time of the day and want to see them I simply call out to them and they come running. I have always believed that chickens are individually dumb but collectively they are smart enough to survive and thrive.
I don’t know what kind of chickens you have. My chickens are smart and know basic commands. I can tap on my window and they’ll get out of my garden beds. I use a squirt bottle while I garden and they have learned to leave me and my projects alone. They’ll run to their run when I say HAWK.
I’m pretty sure my Leghorn is a dog in chicken costume.
They will stick their heads in my pocket looking for BOSS.
When I sit to rest in the shade they know the word NO when I don’t want to cuddle. They are amazingly smart. Some however just aren’t as bright but they’re smart enough to follow the leader.
I trained my girls to come running when I call. Often I'll have kitchen scraps in the middle of the day and they aren't expecting them. So, I started by going our and getting their attention by calling in a high pitched shrill "....CHICK CHICK CHICK......CHICK CHICK CHICK...... at first they just looked at me from a distance but they soon learned that I had treats. Now If I go out any time of the day and want to see them I simply call out to them and they come running. I have always believed that chickens are individually dumb but collectively they are smart enough to survive and thrive.
Yes, one of my chickens comes when I call her name “Daisy!”
Another thing I do clicking sounds with my mouth, it’s like another way I tell them I’m safe and a good friend. :) The sound of the gate when I come into the yard makes them ALL come running! So cute to watch!
I don’t know what kind of chickens you have. My chickens are smart and know basic commands. I can tap on my window and they’ll get out of my garden beds. I use a squirt bottle while I garden and they have learned to leave me and my projects alone. They’ll run to their run when I say HAWK.
I’m pretty sure my Leghorn is a dog in chicken costume.
They will stick their heads in my pocket looking for BOSS.
When I sit to rest in the shade they know the word NO when I don’t want to cuddle. They are amazingly smart. Some however just aren’t as bright but they’re smart enough to follow the leader.
Wow, Those chickens are SMART! people just don’t know actually how smart chickens are!:gig
Mine key on the sound of my voice, wherever I am in the back of the house. I call chooook, chooookchooookchooooks and they come running. My mottled cochin will sneak through the mesh magnet screen on the sun porch if their coop door is somehow closed as a kind of "hey lady, we wanna roost and you're fallin' down on the job" reminder. She hops up on the baby gate and waits if I don't see her right away. She doesn't ever bither to come in if there isn't something amiss.
Mine key on the sound of my voice, wherever I am in the back of the house. I call chooook, chooookchooookchooooks and they come running. My mottled cochin will sneak through the mesh magnet screen on the sun porch if their coop door is somehow closed as a kind of "hey lady, we wanna roost and you're fallin' down on the job" reminder. She hops up on the baby gate and waits if I don't see her right away. She doesn't ever bither to come in if there isn't something amiss.

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