Anybody Keep Wood Ducks Here?

1lpook is right on with the advise, standard boxes for woodies, teal, mandarins are 12 wide, 12 deep, and 18 tall, with an oval hole 3 tall 4 wide about 3/4 of the way up, line the inside of the hole wall with 1/4" hardware cloth to help them in getting out of it.
Aside from that, all else is dead on.
I raised over 100 species of migratory/ornamental waterfowl for 15 -20 years, dont have them now, but plan on getting them back very soon, so I am envious of those that have them!
Also, aside from FL law, these and all migratorys are Federally Regulated by the U..S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service, which I'm sure you know, but they dont have to be pinioned by law, you can toe clip them too. It does have to be one or the other, But I never pinioned mine. I loved to watch them fly. So unless that's just a Florida thing, you do have options there as far as the Feds go. And unless you are selling, you dont have to be permitted by the USDI, just keep your seller issued permit for possession, If you do sell, then yep, you have to keep records of deaths, hatch, sells, trades, and quantity on hand and file an annual report to the USDI, no big deal, just paper work...
Good luck with them, cant wait to get all mine back!

I just wanted to chime in that I have an orphaned wood duck (male) that is about 6-8 weeks old that I acquired when it was 1 to 2 days old. This bird is tame, rides on my shoulder, comes to me when called and prefers to be in my arms being petted and held. It sounds like this is not normal. He is not pinioned and once his primaries come in he is free to go but I believe he is imprinted on me and might stay around. Anyone had this type of experience with a wood duck? He is sitting here in my lap while I type.

I have 5 pairs of wood ducks (and other species as well!) and have been raising them for 3 years now, they are a great duck to look at, but dont get your hopes up in taming them down, they are wild. They breed quite readily in captivity, but to increase the odds of nesting success provide 2-3 nest boxes per pair, this will also help in preventing "dump nesting" where more than one hen lays her eggs in one nest box.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away, i will do my best to answer them!!..............Jason

Do you still have a list for people wanting Wood Duck Eggs? If so I am very interested in getting on that list. Thanks!
I just wanted to chime in that I have an orphaned wood duck (male) that is about 6-8 weeks old that I acquired when it was 1 to 2 days old. This bird is tame, rides on my shoulder, comes to me when called and prefers to be in my arms being petted and held. It sounds like this is not normal. He is not pinioned and once his primaries come in he is free to go but I believe he is imprinted on me and might stay around. Anyone had this type of experience with a wood duck? He is sitting here in my lap while I type.


I feel I'm having this imprinting experience myself with a wood duck I recieved last night. Its either extremely trusting or unbelievably brave. The two behaviors that resembled his breed are --> trying to push and dig at my sweatered arms, as if making a nest much like a rabbit makes its hole, and --> wanting to be up as high on my body as possible. I don't have to keep it (or the other rescued ducks) in a caged enviroment, just a quiet room. They've each spend the first night with a hardware cloth topped box, but after that, the box is left open. They stay put even though I know they can easliy get out. If on my bed, it is the same. They stay wherever I put them, given they feel safe. My wood duck is under a week old so, I do not know if this will last. I did find this site and it seems helpful: LSNY Newsletter.pdf

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