Anybody see an egg discolored like this?

I heard that you should expect anything weird when young hens are just starting out. My buff Silkie "Ginger" laid two squishy transparent eggs... they had the membrane but no shell! My kids freaked and refused to eat them. Ever since then, we've had normal eggs... not a diet thing, not related to light... it's just a young system getting started up. "PRACTICE EGGS" I called them
Had the egg by chance gotten wet? I've noticed that when washing an especially dirty egg that if not dried right away the color gets light 'spots' on it.
I've had them like that....

It turned out to be a hen who did it constantly. She was a NHR. I only saw the eggs with that poor shell about twice/week. (It was rough, and had the same color pattern as your pics.) I had seen them before but didn't know who laid them. By chance, I had confined that particular hen while rearranging pens. Once I realize SHE was the one laying that egg, I kept her separated. She wasn't molting or under any other stress. After 3 weeks of nothing but those ugly shells - and poor laying with only a couple per week, I culled her.

There may be times when a hen does that and it clears up. In my case, our chickens are livestock. Although we treat them well, and they live a natural life here, still all poor layers are culled.

ETA: Perhaps your gal will return to normal laying. You might give her time if your flock are more like pets to you.
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I haven't seen one exactly like that, but one of my Buff Orpington gals lays some similar. Like yours, her eggs are very rough and sandpapery, and also very thin shelled. I feed them to the dogs.

I have the hens on oyster shell so they should have enough calcium, but this is a two year old hen. They are big eggs, but very thin, as I said. And they always have a dark spot on the narrow end.

You are supposed to put the eggs with the bulls eye in the incubator
Funny you mention that it is usually the ones laid outside of the nest. This egg was laid on the coop floor and not in any of the nests. I wonder if the hen knows that something may be wrong with the egg and lays it outside of the nest area?

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