Anyone canning/preserving? Chicken treat recipes using leftovers.


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
I've been canning a lot of tomatoes lately, and thought I'd share what I've been doing with the leftovers...

I've been blanching then peeling/coring/seeding tomatoes before I stuff them in jars. I end up with a big bowl of tomato skins that are in huge pieces - I wanted to give them to the girls since that's where a lot of the nutrients and flavor are, but was pretty sure the big pieces of skin would clog up their crops. So, I've been throwing a cup or so of plain yogurt in the blender then adding the skins, seeds, cores, and whatever juice is left over. Once it's all pureed, it goes into a container in the freezer - perfect treat for a hot indian summer day! I've also done it without the yogurt and they didn't complain.

I'd love to hear other ideas from you all - still have lots of fruits and veggies to process!
That's an awesome idea!
Sounds nice!
We cook the tomatoes and then remove the seeds and skins.. Birds have been getting a bowl of those every day without any special treatment. The flock free ranges and gets plenty of grit, so I am not to worried about crop problems.

The chickens love this time of year with all the not perfect produce from the garden... I think the cobs from sweet corn after we cut the kernels off are their #1 fav though..

The chickens get a chance at all veggi scraps before they go to the compost pile....

Good to know they can handle the skins w/out any special treatment, thanks! I figured I was probably being a little paranoid, but as a new chicken owner I play it safe and assume that anything that will clog a garbage disposal will clog my chickens also
I just picked up a big box of peaches, so the girls are going to have a good week.

HappyChooks - I LOVE nectarines, wish I had a tree! My favorite jam to make is nectarine with basil - sounds strange but the flavors really work together.
We've frozen a lot of corn this year and the girls have really enjoyed picking over the cobs and "cleaning up". They've also benefited from the cucumbers that have proven too seedy to pickle and all of the cabbage ends from our kraut. I suspect they'll also enjoy the apple peelings from when I put up apples to freeze.

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