Anyone else excited about their garden?

I am very excited and keep trying to get out there and do some work but the weather is just not cooperating with me

I Have planted so far
sugar snap peas
golden snowpeas
regular peas
purple carrots
mixed color carrots
thumbilina carrots
tasty peel carrots
red beets
golden beets
broccoli rabe
Italian parsley
chives and garlic chives
I also planted some spring garlic to go with the fall garlic so I can compare ..I have always planted garlic in the fall but someone told me to try it is the spring so I did half in October and half just this month
I started some melons and pumpkins in the house along with some runner beans

I have split my chives, sage, rosemary, parsley (curly and Italian) and moved them around as well as putting some in pots

I have some yard long beans to plant as well ..and lots of bush beans, runner beans and more beans! I am going to try a couple of types of corn

also tomatoes ..I wait and buy plants ..there is a great nursery here that has the most hardy wonderful (and best of all reasonably priced ) regular and heirloom tomato plants starting as soon as the weather warms a bit that I do not even bother to try seeds anymore!

my desire this year is to have so much produce I can donate to the food bank as well as share with friends

Count me

I am getting so excited people (my sons) are giving me strange looks.

I spent Sunday digging with the help of my chickens, and I have grown 2 kinds of tomato plants from seeds. One cherry type and an old fashioned one called gardeners delight.

I have completely lost it when I found my seeds for Artichokes are first time ever.

I have Blueberry bushes, and strawberry plants, from last year that have now been separated, and I was thrilled that from 3 plants last year I now have 12.

Other things coming through are:

Runner beans
Lots of herbs, and I am hoping to add to the list.

Then I have flower seeds in too.


Yes I have lost it I think, but last year I had some success in lousy weather, so I am building on that for this year. Making up for time I have spent in an office and too busy to spend any time in the garden.

I am enjoying it and hoping to improve my garden and my health while I am there.
I am sooo excited! I have kinda gone crazy this year and have so much stuff coming!

I am planting potatoes for the first tims, And I ordered about 15lbs of seed potatoes. I also ordered jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes, and strawberries.

And a HUGE order of open pollinated/heirloom seeds from Pinetree. They are taking forever to get here. I ordered on the 21st of february.

I want to do a lot of different things to try root celler type storage in our basement, so that means a lot of winter squash, beets and carrots.

I also am experimenting with new things, like pineapple tomatillas and garden huckleberries. I got luffa seeds, and lots of different types of squash and melon seeds. We have very hot dry summers, so squash and melons, and the pepper-tomato-potato families grow the best here. I will be trying some of the cool weather stuff, we can do a small amount of it before the weather gets too hot. We have seventy-eighty degree days already, and we will still have freezing nights untill May.

hoping to clean out the coop this week to get it spread on the field and getting my son to bring the tractor from my dads to get the field turned over. I have some from fall to get spread out on the rest that Im planting sooner. Want to get my peas and potatoes in as soon as we get over these freezing nights. Ive got too much to list to plant. I ordered a lot of seed now I have to just remind myself to step away from the seed packets in the store.
lol.... I know the feeling. I have even built my own raised bed, I am enjoying it so much. My son was horrified that I told him yesterday I am going tomake mud pies to fill in the wall and to plant seeds into it for plants that will hold it all together.

I spent ages last year building a fenced area at the side of mygarden and now it is part of the enclosure for my raised bed. I am aslo planning to have a go at Potatoes grown in large garden bags as a kind of raised bed.

Stocking up on as much as possible for summer and for freezing for winter.
Oh! I'm so excited about our garden! We've been working hard on it already. It's been turned already and we are now fencing it in to keep the chickens, goats, and other unwanted critters out of it this year.

I have lots of plants already started inside! My kitchen has been overrun with tomatoes, artichokes, huckleberries, chives, and rosemary!
Our potatoes are up but I've been waiting dh said there will be another frost but ya'll have me so excited that I'm going to the seed store this morning !
I have already planted flowers that are doing well , everything is blooming , butterflys are out . I just love this time of year.
I'm SUPER excited, because this is the first year I used my chicken tractors to prepare the soil in 3 of my garden plots!!! No weeding or tilling necessary this year!
I already have radishes, onions, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, chard, herbs, turnips, beets, and some others I can't think of...


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