Anyone else's duck change sex? Was a laying female 18 months now almost male

I had the same thing happen to my female mallard. She was fully girl then after a month she started changing into a male with the same markings as you described. I am curious as well s if he/ she can lay eggs. He/ she even tries to breed with my Campbell female but I’m not sure if they are fertilized. I’ve checked them and haven’t seen anything. But I’m finding eggs everywhere now bc my neighbors cats have attacked my Campbell off her nest and ate her eggs. Now they keep trying to get her and I’ve already talked to them bc it has stressed her out. But I just wanted to know bc I’ve found over 10 eggs throughout my yard which if fenced in and they have their own yard that is fenced in. She flies over my other fence and then into my front yard.
I had the same thing happen to my female mallard. She was fully girl then after a month she started changing into a male with the same markings as you described. I am curious as well s if he/ she can lay eggs. He/ she even tries to breed with my Campbell female but I’m not sure if they are fertilized. I’ve checked them and haven’t seen anything. But I’m finding eggs everywhere now bc my neighbors cats have attacked my Campbell off her nest and ate her eggs. Now they keep trying to get her and I’ve already talked to them bc it has stressed her out. But I just wanted to know bc I’ve found over 10 eggs throughout my yard which if fenced in and they have their own yard that is fenced in. She flies over my other fence and then into my front yard.
Wow, I don’t know. Mine never layed ever again. Could you share some pictures?

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