Well, heres my batch! I KNOW I put 18 good eggs in there. But... I have 17 live chicks... and had 2 eggs left over. They had check marks on them, marking them good! ALL 18 had moving embryos at day 8 when I candled them. I put 5 x's on clear eggs, and a check mark originally on one that looked good.. but had a suspicious dark line on it. So, when I candled IT a few days later, it was bad, and I put a line thru the check mark, and at lockdown I candled all 6 again, and threw them out, when I lay down the 18. So, how did I get 17 chicks out of 18 eggs?? With 2 left over? I am totally confused. I remember putting them in the egg carton, the duds filled one whole side. I had 4 rows of 6 eggs in my brinsea Oct advance 20. Ugh. Is this chicken math gone bad?? lol. Anyway, I have filled it last night with turkey and guinea eggs. Here we go again. I triple counted btw.

If I have posted something similar to this twice.. I apologize. I am not used to spending so much time in one room, gawking at incubators.. or a box with chicks in it, lol. is day 20 and my little man woke me up at 3am to a freshly hatched chick. I finally did it!!! On the other hand I was not ready for it. I know I should have set up their next home the day they went into lockdown, but I had just moved the other chicks (purchased chicks) out of it. So...I know the little guy needs to stay right where he is for now. He is still all wet and he is taking his rest. How long should he stay in the incubator? Should I get him in the brooder before I go to work at 8? Or will he be fine till 3? I know I "know" this but I am so dang excited. My first hatch didn't make it, my special egg that was doing really good, stopped doing really good and I lost it, so everyone has been walking on egg shells around here. No pun intended.
The chick can stay in the incubator for 24 hours after hatch so no worries! Congrats on hatching your chick
So we have almost made it thru day 20. 5 of 13 have hatched, one of those 5 died, and one doesn't look like it is doing well. It just seems pretty listless. It's shell and the one that died both Rhode Island Reds had a lot of blood in it. I am sayin a lot in comparison to the 3 bantams that have hatched. Should I just leave it alone, or is there something I can do? ALSO the other 3 seem to be pretty healthy and full of energy, they are almost all dried out, and are hopping all around bumping into the "resting chick" and the eggs that have not pipped rolling them over and such. Should I take these 3 out? The oldest is 16 hours, then 12 hours, and finally 5 hours. My thought is if it is bad for me to move an egg disorienting the chick inside, then these guys play time cant be a good thing. Any thouhts?
I would move them out if they are nice and dry to a brooder with a good at lamp ready. Make sure the heat lamp has been on though so its nice and warm for them. Sounds like maybe your temps were running a tad low since you have a couple with blood still in the egg and not doing well. I had the same thing happened to me this hatch and its the first hatch that I know my temps ran a bit low because my digital thermometer went out and the bulb ones always run low.
Well I'm getting more silkie eggs from down the road to set today. I already set 4 the other day and now the woman has the other 8 for me. This is my first time hatching silkies, I could get pure buff or blue but there is also a white hen and a black rooster and they are all running together. Bourban red turkey eggs should be in the mail today and those will get set. I have 6 blue slate mix turkey eggs in lockdown as well as 9 california white 3 OE's, and 14 eggs that are either wheaton americauna, lav orp, buff orp, dominique, or EE. Can't wait till I start hearing peeds and seeing pips and zips.
had 4 chicks hatch yesterday on my son's I really didn't think was gonna make it, just too much fluid when it came out. and sadly I was right.. She told me they were americaunas..they did hatch out of blue eggs, but they have fluff on their legs. I emailed and asked what else they could be with. she said she has cochins too, but there was no way the americauna rooster would let the cochin get his girls...guessing I have cochin/ americauna One doesn't have fluff on it's legs so maybe it's all americauna..I really have no clue what to believe at this point.

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