anyone heard of crock pot incubation?

somewhere hubby's don't look... hmmm... dishwasher, dryer, shower
, grocery store? LOL
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Wow! Now that is old-fashioned efficiency. Toss in a little salt and pepper and in an hour you have dinner.

<Just kidding to all the vegetarians out there.... the straight line was too good to pass up!>
I've just tested out the keep warm setting on my crock pot and its way hot, just as others on here have stated. I think I may have to try an electric skillet, unless I break down and just attempt to make the Miss Prissy incubator. Anyone tried that recently?
MissPrissy's works, speckledhens' mini-fridge works too. I like it better. But I'm also getting even better at tinkering so I would, of course, like the second one better.
Sorry, I didn't realize how new crock pots work. My crock pot is over 30 years old and has a removable pot. It also has a reostat which goes down to nothing. The 140 degree zone starts halfway around, so it is adjustable to much lower temps.

Instead of a crockpot, how about using an electric heating pad? I have one that I use for my brooder instead of using a light so the chicks can keep warm. Has anyone used one of those to try to hatch out eggs? Perhaps lay the pad on top of the eggs and push roll the eggs every now and then without lifting the pad?

Just an idea.

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