Happy D Ranch has a ton of info on vermicomposting (raising worms). Nightcrawlers don't like to live in communities, red wrigglers do. If you over feed, the compost will get too hot and kill them. You can get those cheap plasic tubs at walmart and stack them, drill drainage holes in the one with the worms in and use the one on the bottom to catch the drippings.
Thank you everyone for your posts so far!. Im going to stop by and pick up some red wigglers tonight, because I do know that nightcrawlers reproduce slow and are harder to raise. But Keep on posting here every little detail helps

Thanks, Mitch
My worm bin is just a rubber maid bin with holes drilled into the sides for ventilation, I just used the largest drill bit I had. Err on the side of too many, the worms if they are happy will not try to escape (they do not like light). If they do try to escape your bin has some kind of problem......

Some people make a worm bin out of 2 – 5 gallon pails that can fit into each other. Drill holes in sides again, so that when they are nested the align up. The top bucket also gets holes drilled into the bottom so the leachate can drain into the bottom one. You still need the lid.

The bottom layer I just have non-biodegradable packing peanuts (the biodegradable dissolve in water) round 3-4 inches worth. This is the area where the leachate will collect – do NOT mistake this for TEA – tea is different. Then you add the layer of bedding = shredded paper soaked in water then “squeezed dry – or just spray with water for the same “dampened” affect. Then you just start tossing in.

Bedding is where they will ALL congregate if they do not like if they do not like their environment. Its natural to see some there but just some – not all.

You would want to set this up a week or 2 before you get your worms. Remember that they do not eat what you throw in there – they eat what grows on what you throw in. So if you throw in an apple and you see them on the apple they are not eating apple but what is growing on it.

Worm Favorites include: Banana (whole or just the peel) & cornmeal – from what I have observed I think the cornmeal is some kind of aphrodisiac – don’t ask.....OK fine...usually they mate “normally” but I have witnessed what can only be explained as an orgy & I truly do attribute this to the cornmeal. I got them before I got chickens and was obsessed with them. I tackle life one obsession @ a time. If you fish you can make a small bin and feed them predominately garlic & you will have some killer garlic verm’s.

Dislikes: Same as chickens – citrus & salt

Then throw in the worms and put on the lid. Its very easy to over feed to begin with – wait till they move into the “newest” area before you add more. Your population has not established itself yet. When you do go to add more do the same thing – bedding & ? know whatever, you will find yourself slowing adding more and more @ a faster rate as your population increases.

A healthy bin should smell kind earthy.

Some people make a worm bin out of 2 – 5 gallon pails that can fit into each other. Drill holes in sides again, so that when they are nested the align up. The top bucket also gets holes drilled into the bottom so the leachate can drain into the bottom one. You still need the lid.


Bin smells funny – either its too wet or overstocked with food. If too wet then add in dry shredded paper to absorb. If overstocked – then remove extra food preferably anything with no mold on it yet and add more “bedding”.

Fruit Fly Infestation: Is very common, too avoid I freeze any & all uncooked veggies & fruits first then throw in the bin, I think this also helps speed up the decomposition process.
If you get an infestation in you bin, put Apple Cider Vinegar in a saucer & put in the bin – they will be drawn to it & then drown.

UPDATE:: Thanks to everyone that posted. I made a choice on what im doing. Today i went and got 60 red wigglers. (I know its not alot compared to some people but it will work for a start) i have them in a 2x1 bin. People were saying that keeping alot of worms in a small area is called Forced breeding which can almost double the reproduction rate, so i might try it. they seem to be liking the compost they are all over it already. there were quite a few dead ones when i got them i just dumped all of them in because some of them i was not sure if they were dead or not. they will decompose just like the food will. Thanks for everyones help and Just keep posting your opinion/advice it has helped ALOT!!

Thanks, Mitch
I have a rubber made tote and drilled holes in it for venting. It has woked great! We were moving and showng the house so I moved them to the garage and forgot about them for ahile and they are still going strong, I just checked and I have lots of sizes and eggs so I must be doing something right. They get my coffee grounds and filters and all of my tea bags. I have put dryer lint in and some veggies scraps. They are EASY. And I have had great dirt for my house plants. good Luck!

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