Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

It probably was a starling. They nest in holes and stuff like that. If you ever have that happen you can give them wet cat food as a start, don't give them water by mouth but only drops on the beak and maybe the biggest thing is to keep them warm and let them rest for awhile before fooling with the eating part.

There are recipes on line if you googled "feeding a starling." Basically it's the same recipe for any song bird except a few changes would have to made for mocking birds because they need a specific diet. Birds are sooooo delicate. I love birds though.
My order of chicks are to be shipped on the 23rd. The suspense is killing me! I am worried about some not making it... We're splitting an order with someone who wanted the majority of chicks required to make the minimum and so only four will be ours. Two of the four are bantams, so I'm doubly worried about those in a shipment of LF chicks.

My kids already have their pet hens, so I'm going for the colorful egg basket here--one each of Crested Creme Legbar, Black Copper Maran, bantam Easter Egger, and bantam white crested black Polish (thought we needed one white egg layer to help show off the colors of the others).

I'm obsessing over them before they've even arrived.
Nice! I have to get this project going as well. I've toned down to doing 1 pullet of each color egg, cz I bought a bunch already lol I have 27 chicks at home atm.

I also freaked out over them with the 2-3 day shipping and all, but they were doing just fine. Hope yours will all make it! =D
Well, we got ours today- All DOA :( 5 barred babies.
I feel so guilty sending them to their death by ordering them from freakin Antarctica- I mean Wisconsin. WE will try again on the 23rd from cackle and have ordered 10 this time. I hope we have better luck. Poor babies.
ah I feel for you So sorry.. that what I want more Barr rocks or Dominiquers.
why did the DA,s NOT add a heat pack or something.????. Dang them
I hope to get mine here from RK or TSC.... I would hatch my own but dont want to end up with 5 roo out of 6 chicks.....Plus it doesnt seem right My ROO mating his daughters....
Take care ,thanks yall
Me!!! I am waiting on 2 orders. One will ship next Wednesday. Of 16 pulled and 10 straight run salmon faverolles. Then shipping 3/11 I have 4 bronze turkeys, 5 naked neck pullets. 3 male and 4 female crested rouens. My nephews and I are super excited to have babies again.
They DID send it with a heat pack, I'm guessing the negative wind chill did it. Poor little things, they were cold but not hardened yet so they must have just passed right before we got the call.

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